
欧盟国际投资规则的冲突与中国策略 被引量:2

Inconsistencies in EU International Investment Rules and China's Coping Strategies
摘要 欧盟的国际投资规则在内部存在着欧盟成员的双边投资协定与欧盟法律之间的规则冲突,在外部存在着非欧盟国家与欧盟及欧盟成员之间的投资规则冲突。形成这些投资规则冲突的原因是欧盟为实现欧盟法律的自治性与独立性,需要重构与欧盟成员和国际投资仲裁制度之间的法律关系。以《里斯本条约》为代表的欧盟法律没能很好地界定欧盟在国际投资领域的专属权能,也没能明晰欧盟法律与欧盟成员之间的双边投资协定的关系,从而加剧了欧盟的投资规则冲突。中国在与欧盟的双边投资协定谈判中,需要对欧盟的国际投资规则冲突有清楚地认识,才能更好地厘清将来的《中国—欧盟双边投资协定》与之前的"中国—欧盟成员双边投资协定"(1)的关系,也才能更好地从欧盟投资规则冲突的角度,认识欧盟提出的"国际投资法庭体系"。 There exist intemal inconsistencies in EU intemational investment rules between Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) of EU members and EU law, and external ones between investment rules of non-EU countries and those of the European Union and EU members. The reason for these inconsistencies is the European Union's need to reconstruct its legal relationship with EU members and the Investment Court System with an aim to realizing the autonomy and independence of EU law. EU law, represented by the Treaty of Lisbon, fails to clearly define the exclusive competence of the European Union over international investment and does not clarify the relationship between EU law and BITs between EU members, thereby exacerbating inconsistencies in EU investment rules. In BIT negotiations with the European Union, a clear knowledge of consistencies in EU international investment rules will enable China's understanding on the European Union's proposed Investment Court System, as well as the relationship between the future"China-EU BIT"and existing BITs between China and EU members.
作者 董静然 DONG Jingran
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第7期162-174,共13页 Journal of International Trade
关键词 欧盟 双边投资协定 《里斯本条约》 国际投资争端解决机制 规则冲突 European Union Bilateral Investment Treaties (BIT) Treaty of Lis-bon International Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanism Rule Inconsistencies
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