
2792颗乳牙拔除的临床分析 被引量:2

Clinical Analysis of Removal of 2792 Deciduous Teeth
摘要 目的对口腔科门诊拔除的2792颗乳牙进行分析讨论。方法选取该院门诊于2014年6月—2017年6月收治的乳牙拔除患者1 961例(拔除乳牙2 792颗)作为研究对象,观察患者乳牙拔除牙位分布情况以及拔除原因。结果经过统计分析发现下颌乳切牙、下颌乳磨牙、上颌乳磨牙占拔牙总数的前3位,分别占总量的27%、25%、18%。病因以乳牙滞留、恒牙早萌、位置不足占前三位,分别为总量的30%、22%、20%。结论乳牙拔除的各项原因和食物链改变咀嚼功能减退、牙齿和颌骨发育不协调、口腔保护意识差等有直接关系。要想减少和避免问题的发生,家长要起到监护督导的作用,养成良好饮食习惯。也要应当做好口腔保健宣传,早发现、早预防、早治疗。 Objective To analyze and discuss the removal of 2792 deciduous teeth in thedepartment of stomatology Methods 1961 cases of patients with deciduous teeth removal(2792) admitted and treated in our hospital from June2014 to June 2017 were selected as the research objects, and the distribution situation and removal causes of patients were observed. Results The statistical analysis showed that the mandibular incisor, mandibular milky molars and maxillary milky molars accounted for the top three, respectively 27%, 25%, 18% in total, and the top three causes were deciduous tooth retention, premature eruption of permanent tooth and insufficient position, respectively accounting for30%, 22%, 20% in total. Conclusion The various causes of deciduous teeth removal have a direction correlation with the masticatory function decline changed by the food chain, inconsistent tooth and jaw development and bad oral protection awareness, in order to reduce and avoid the occurrence of issues, the family should play a supervision and guidance role, develop a good dieting habit, and do well in the oral healthcare publicity and conduct the early discovery,early prevention and early treatment.
作者 董春海 孙建微 DONG Chun-hai;SUN Jian-wei(Department of Stomatology,Linyi People's Hospital,Linyi,Shandong Province,251500 China)
出处 《系统医学》 2018年第4期148-150,共3页 Systems Medicine
关键词 乳牙 滞留 监督 预防 Deciduous teeth Retention Supervision Prevention
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