

Joint resource allocation and layer selection for scalable video transmission in long term evolution system
摘要 由于无线网络中的终端异构性和信道时变性,需要视频应用提供差异化、自适应的服务,利用可伸缩视频编码可以方便地改变视频的码率。针对长期演进系统中的可伸缩视频传输,提出了一种视频层数选择和资源分配算法。首先以服务质量为优化目标建立了约束随机优化模型,然后利用李雅普诺夫优化方法将问题分离成两个子问题并求解。仿真实验表明所提出的算法提高了服务质量,同时具有较好的公平性。 Due to the heterogeneity of mobile terminals and the time-varying characteristic of wireless channels,video streaming services are demanded to be differentiated and adaptive,and the video bit rate can be changed easily by using scalable video coding. We propose a video layer selection and resource allocation algorithm for scalable video transmission in long term evolution system. Firstly,we formulate the problem into a constrained stochastic optimization problem which aims at improving quality of service,then break down the original long-term average goal into two sub-problems using the technique of Lyapunov drift and optimization,and finally solve the sub-problems. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm improves the quality of service and also guarantees the fairness.
作者 邢志浩 杨博文 杨坚 Xing Zhihao;Yang Bowen;Yang Jian(Department of Automation,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230027,Chin)
出处 《信息技术与网络安全》 2018年第7期71-76,共6页 Information Technology and Network Security
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(61233003)
关键词 可伸缩视频编码 长期演进 跨层资源分配 随机优化 scalable video coding long term evolution system cross-layer resource allocation stochastic optimization
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