
高中生视屏时间与BMI、视力的相关性分析——基于黄陂区第三高级中学的调查 被引量:4

Analysis on the Correlation between Visual Time and BMI and Vision in High School Students——An Investigation Based on the Third Senior Middle School in Huangpi District
摘要 目的:了解当今高中生视屏时间、身体质量指数(BMI)和视力的现状,以及BMI、视力与视屏时间之间的关系,为有效改善高中生体质健康状况提供理论依据。方法:采取随机抽样的方法,从黄陂区第三高级中学的学生中,抽取高一、高二,高三学生各100名,对入选的274名高中生的身体质量指数(BMI)、视力与视屏时间现状进行描述分析,并对三者之间的关系进行相关性分析。结果:(1)61.68%的高中生体重处于正常范围之内,有10.95%的高中生为超重肥胖,27.37%的学生处于偏瘦状态,BMI值整体情况良好;(2)高中生近视率达82.12%,其中有2.92%的学生为高度近视(600度以上);(3)被调查者中,平时视屏时间超过2h者占32.85%,周末视屏时间超过2h者则达到了75.09%。且有49.64%的学生周末视屏时间超过了3h。(4)在被调查的274名高中生中,不同视频时间的高中生BMI和视力有所不同,平均每天视屏时间≥2小时者超重或肥胖者平时和周末分别占22.22%和11.82%,近视发生率为86.66%和94.73%,平均每天视屏时间<2小时者超重或肥胖者周末和平时分别占5.43和8.45%,近视发生率为61.96%和28.17%,两者具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。视屏时间与BMI程现微弱正相关(r=0.036和r=0.103),与近视呈现明显负相关(r=-0.513,r=-0.557)。结论:视屏时间与视力呈负相关,过长的视频时间更容易导致近视的发生,但与高中生身体质量指数(BMI)的关系不大。 Objective: To understand the current situation of visual time,body mass index( BMI) and visual acuity of high school students,and the relationship between BMI,visual acuity and visual time,and to provide theoretical basis for improving the physical health of high school students. Methods: A random sampling method was used to extract and analyze the physical fitness index( BMI),visual acuity and visual time of the 274 high school students from the students of the third senior middle school students in Huangpi District. The corresponding relationship among these 3 factors is analyzed. Results:( 1) 61. 68% of the high school students were within the normal range,10. 95% of the high school students were overweight and obese,27. 37% were in a lean state,and the BMI was in good condition.( 2) 82. 12%,of which 2. 92% of the students for high myopia( more than 600 degrees);( 3) respondents,the usual screen time more than 2 h accounted for 32. 85%,weekend screen time more than 2 h reached 75. 09%. And 49. 64% of the students' weekend screen time is more than 3 h.( 4) In the surveyed 274 high school students,the BMI and the visual acuity of the high school students in different video times were different. The average daily screen time was ≥ 2 hours. Overweight or obese were 22. 22% and11. 82%. The incidence of myopia was 61. 66% and 28. 17%,respectively,with a significant difference between the two groups( P〈0. 05). The incidence of myopia was 61. 66% and 28. 17%,respectively,with an average of86. 66% and 94. 73% 0. 05).( R = 0. 036 and r = 0. 103),and is negatively correlated with myopia( r =-0. 513,r =-0. 557). Conclusion: Video time is negatively correlated with visual acuity,too long video time is more likely to lead to the occurrence of myopia,but there is not much relationship with high school students' body mass index( BMI).
作者 夏凯 Xia Kai(Sport College of Shanxi Normal University,Linfen 041000,Shanxi,China.)
出处 《体育科技文献通报》 2018年第8期93-94,120,共3页 Bulletin of Sport Science & Technology
关键词 关系 BMI 视力 视屏时间 高中生 relationship BMI vision screen time high school students
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