

Research on Data Forwarding Protocol Based on Link Quality in VANET
摘要 车载自组织网络通过多跳通信实现远距离的数据传输,但由于车载自组网中作为网络节点的车辆运动速度较快,使得网络拓扑结构变化频繁,节点之间的链路质量不稳定,直接导致数据不能及时可靠的进行转发,因此增强链路的稳健性具有十分重要的意义.考虑到车载自组网的这些特点,本文提出了基于链路质量的路由转发协议LQDF,根据车辆行驶轨迹和该轨迹上的车流密度确定转发范围的大小,在该转发范围中根据节点的位置、速度和方向计算链路的维持时间,选择链路维持时间最长的作为中继节点进行数据转发.仿真结果表明,相对于GPSR路由协议,LQDF路由转发协议在一定程度上提高了数据包的投递率,降低了数据转发过程中的端到端时延和网络中的路由开销,能够很好地适用于车载自组网中数据传输. The vehicle as a network nodes move faster, the network topology changes frequently, the link quality is unstable in the vehicle ad hoc network, which leads to the data can not be transmitted in a timely and reliable manner. Therefore, it is of great importance to enhance the robustness of the link. Considering these characteristics of the vehicle ad hoc network, a routing protocol based on link quality LQDF is proposed. Determine the size of the forwarding range according to the traffic density. In the forwarding range, the maintenance time of the link is calculated, including the position, speed and direction of the nodes. The longest link maintenance time is chosen as the relay node to transmit data. The simulation results show that the LQDF protocol improves packet delivery rate, and reduces end-to-end delay and network overhead to some extent.
作者 田甜 樊秀梅 Tian Tian;Xiumei Fan(Department of automation and information engineering,Xi'an University of Technology Xi'an,Shaanxi Province 710048,China)
出处 《控制工程期刊(中英文版)》 2017年第1期61-68,共8页 Scientific Journal of Control Engineering
基金 车联网环境下的数据交换理论与技术研究(61272509) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(No.20136118110002) 陕西省“百人计划”(2012年)
关键词 车载自组织网络 链路质量 车流密度 链路维持时间 路由协议 VANET Link Quality Traffic Density Link Maintenance Time Routing Protocol
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