
译者惯习理论观照下的《迷宫案》翻译策略研究——以陈来元、胡明为中心的个案考察 被引量:2

Translating The Chinese Maze Murders in Light of Translator's Habitus——A Case Study of Chen Laiyuan and Hu Ming
摘要 翻译社会学中的"译者惯习"理论为翻译研究者解释译者采用的某些翻译策略提供了新的、有效的分析工具。陈来元、胡明在《迷宫案》汉译本生产过程中综合运用删减、淡化、增译等翻译方法对原文语言、叙事和情节进行了改写。译者在翻译发起人和20世纪80年代主流诗学和意识形态规范的制约下采用文化改写翻译策略,体现了译者惯习对翻译规范的顺从。 The theory of translator' s habitus sheds fresh light on certain cultural translation strategies adopted by the translator. Based on closely examining of Chen Laiyuan and Hu Ming' s strategies in translating Chinese Maze Murders into Chinese, this paper explores the norms projected by translation starters, poetics and ideology in the 1980s, and the in fluence they exert on translator' s habitus. This case study indicates that translator' s habitus can greatly affect the shape of target text under the subservience of translation norms.
作者 姚伟 YAO Wei(College of Foreign Languages,Longdong University,Qingyang 745000,Gans)
出处 《陇东学院学报》 2018年第4期23-26,共4页 Journal of Longdong University
基金 陇东学院青年科技创新项目<翻译社会学视角下<洛阳伽蓝记>英译研究>(xysk1701)
关键词 译者惯习 《迷宫案》 翻译规范 translator' s habitus The Chinese Maze Murders translation norms
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