
中国旅游产业绿色创新效率的空间网络结构与形成机制 被引量:88

Space network structure and formation mechanism of green innovation efficiency of tourism industry in China
摘要 旅游产业绿色创新是实现资源节约、环境优化的一种可持续发展理念,旅游产业绿色创新效率的有效测度及其空间关系的准确把握对促进旅游业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文采用超效率SBM模型,对2006—2015年期间中国大陆(不包括西藏)30个省份的旅游产业绿色创新效率进行测度和评价,同时引入修正的引力模型量化分析省份之间的空间关联强度,并基于此构建空间关联矩阵,进一步运用社会网络分析理论与方法,探究中国旅游产业绿色创新效率空间网络的关联特征与演化规律,揭示其空间网络结构形成的影响因素及作用机制。研究表明:(1)研究期间内,中国旅游产业绿色创新效率空间网络的关联强度保持上升态势,但整体关联强度较低,有待进一步加强,同时空间网络具有相对稳定性,等级结构不显著。(2)东部省份处于空间网络相对中心的位置,在旅游产业绿色创新效率空间网络中具有较强的影响力,扮演着领导者的角色,而中部、西部省份处于相对劣势地位,发挥着中枢和传导作用。(3)根据省份之间空间关联的紧密性和直接性,不同绿色创新效率集聚板块之间呈现出板块内集聚、板块间显著关联的特征,且整体空间关联网络表现出显著的空间极化效应,东部的省份能够有效吸引和整合中、西部省份的相关要素和资源。(4)距离、地区经济发展水平差异和旅游发展水平差异对旅游产业绿色创新效率的空间关联强度产生负向作用,而资金投入差异对其产生正向影响。最后从整体性、差异性和区域性等角度,提出促进中国旅游产业绿色创新效率整体提升和均衡发展的对策建议。 The green innovation of tourism industry is a sustainable development concept to realize resource conservation and environmental optimization,and its effective measurement and accurate comprehending of spatial relationship have a great significance on promoting the sustainable development of tourism. This paper uses the Super-SBM Model to measure and evaluate the green innovation efficiency of tourism industry of 30 provinces in China during 2006-2015. Also,the modified gravity model is introduced to analyze the spatial correlation strength between different provinces and therefore the spatial correlation matrix can be constructed.Then,the paper uses social network analysis theory to delve into the linked characters and evolution laws of green innovation efficiency spatial network,demonstrating its influencing factors and action mechanism. The result shows that:(1) the green innovation efficiency correlation density of China's tourism industry keep rising during the study period,but the overall correlation density is relatively low,and the space network is relatively stable without obvious hierarchy characteristic;(2)the eastern provinces are in the center position of the space network,which plays the vital conductive role in the space network,while the central and western provinces in China are at a disadvantage position and act as pivot and conducive roles;(3) according to the tightness and directness of spatial correlation,30 provinces in China can be divided into four major plates,presenting groups of concentration and greatly connected between different plates. Moreover,the whole space network shows an obvious spatial polarization effect and eastern provinces can effectively attract and integrate the factors and resources from the central and western provinces;(4) the distance,differences on economic development and tourism development have negative effects on the spatial correlation,while the investment to green innovation of tourism industry has positive influences. Finally,this paper puts forward suggestions from the perspective of wholeness,differentiation and regional to improve the green innovation efficiency of tourism industry.
作者 刘佳 宋秋月 LIU Jia;SONG Qiu-yue(Management College,Ocean University of China,Qingdao Shandong 266100,China;Institute of Marine Development,Ocean University of China,Qingdao Shandong 266100,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期127-137,共11页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"中国旅游经济增长质量及其空间分析"(批准号:17FGL005) 山东省社会科学规划项目"推动山东省旅游产业结构优化的动能转换机制研究"(批准号:17CLYJ40) 青岛市社会科学规划研究项目"青岛市旅游经济增长质量提升路径"(批准号:QDSKL1701014)
关键词 旅游产业 绿色创新效率 空间网络结构 社会网络分析 tourism industry green innovation efficiency spatial correlation social network analysis
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