
韩国欧亚战略的演进:过程、特征与展望 被引量:3

The Development of South Korea's Eurasian Strategy:Process,Features and Prospect
摘要 韩国地处欧亚大陆的边缘地带,受地缘位置、国家实力等条件的限制,其在欧亚内陆拓展影响力时存在先天的不利因素。然而,韩国的欧亚战略历经卢武铉时期的酝酿,李明博时期的开拓,朴槿惠时期的完善,描绘出了一幅比较系统的蓝图。同时,韩国在欧亚的经略经过从能源到多领域、从政府主导到官民共建、从独立实施到国际共建的发展过程,已发展出一套具有韩国特色的外交模式,奠定了其在欧亚的影响力。从发展方向来看,未来韩国在欧亚的进一步拓展绕不开中国,中韩合作对韩国欧亚战略的成败具有重大意义。因此,做好韩国"欧亚倡议"与中国"一带一路"两大战略的对接,不仅有利于"欧亚倡议"从构想走向现实,而且能够促成"一带一路"对中国周边合作的全覆盖。 South Korea is located in a marginal area on the Eurasian Continent,thus being constrained by such factors as its geopolitical location and national prowess,which have cast natural,negative impacts upon the expansion of its influence in the inner land of Eurasia.In spite of all such disadvantages,South Korea's Eurasian Strategy has passed through three different stages(namely the fomentation stage during the Roh Moo-hyun Administration,the exploratory phase during the Lee Myung-bak Administration,and the improvement stage during the Park Geun-hye Administration),and now reached the phase of a relatively systematic blueprint.Meanwhile,this Strategy has followed a development from a main focus on energy to multiple focuses,from government domination to a coundertaking by both governmental and non-governmental agencies,and from an independent implementation to an engagement with the international society-a development on the basis of which South Korea has formulated asui generis diplomatic model and consolidated its influence within Eurasia.As far as its future development is concerned,South Korea cannot possibly bypass China should it desire to extend further its influence in Eurasia,for which reason the Sino-South Korean cooperation shall play a significant role in determining the outcome of South Korea's Eurasian Strategy.Therefore,to connect South Korea's "Eurasian Strategy" with China's "the Belt and Road Initiative" will not only benefit the implementation in concreto of the former,but also ensure the latter fully covering those neighbouring countries around China.
作者 汪伟民 WANG Weimin(Biography of the author Dr. Wang Weimin,professor and dean of School of International Affairs and Public Administration, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law;the deputy Secretary-General of China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation. The major areas of his research include international security, China-U.S.-Russia relations and the issues on Korean Peninsula)
出处 《韩国研究论丛》 CSSCI 2017年第1期3-17,共15页 Chinese Journal of Korean Studies
基金 上海政法学院高原学科资助
关键词 韩国 欧亚战略 中韩战略对接 South Korea the Eurasian Strategy the Sino-South Korean Strategic Connection
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