

An Analysis on CTE Teachers' Assessment Qualities and Their Implications
摘要 评价是职教教师教育教学活动的基础。因此,职教教师理应具有较高的评价素养。20世纪90年代,美国国家专业教育委员会研制颁布了美国优秀职教教师专业标准,"教师评价素养"名列其中。该标准历经多次修订和调整,但关于评价素养的规定不仅得以保留,而且不断完善。从总体上看,美国CTE教师评价素养主要包括两方面内容,即设计高信效度的评价方式和合理有效地使用评价数据。其具体内容表现出了以下特征:体现了职业教育特色、注重中高职的衔接、强调元评价意识以及重视发展性评价。这对我国职教教师评价素养标准的完善具有重要的启示意义。 All teaching activities by the teachers should be assessed so the teachers of vocationalassessment literacy. In 1990s,the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards in the United sued the Career and Technical Educational Standards in which "the assessment qualities" have beehave been revised and adjusted for several times and the assessment qualities have remained and the content is consisted of t*wo parts,, e. Designing Valid and Reliable Assessments and Reasta. The content is characterized with reflecting the characteristics of vocational education, emphasizing on secondary and higher vocational education,stressing on the meta - evaluation and appreciating developmental evaluation,which has important implications on completing the standard for assessment qualities in China.
作者 蔡燕 CAI Yan(Tianjin University of Technolog and Education,Tianjin 300222,Chin)
出处 《高等职业教育探索》 2018年第4期58-63,共6页 Higher Vocational Education Exploration
基金 天津职业技术师范大学职业教育发展研究中心项目"新形势下中职教师教学评价素养研究"(XJKC031502)
关键词 职教教师 评价素养 教育评价 vocational teachers assessment qualities educational evaluation
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