
多层螺旋CT在诊断气管憩室中的应用价值 被引量:1

Value of Multi-slice Spiral CT in the Diagnosis of Tracheal Diverticulum
摘要 目的探讨气管憩室多层螺旋CT表现特征及应用价值。方法方便选择2014年12月—2016年9月期间45例气管憩室的多层螺旋CT资料进行回顾性分析。结果多层螺旋CT图像均能清晰显示憩室的发生部位、大小、数目、内容物、憩室壁的情况及憩室与周围组织的关系。45例患者中男24例,女21例。发生在右侧26例,右后侧19例。45例均为单发且憩室内均为气体影,未见液平面。27例憩室壁菲薄,18例憩室壁较厚。26例憩室内壁光滑,19例内壁有皱襞样结构或分隔状改变。结论气管憩室的多层螺旋CT典型表现为胸廓入口处气管旁纵隔内局限含气影,可见与气管交通,此表现具有特征性,因此多层螺旋CT检查对诊断气管憩室具有重要价值。 Objective This paper tries to research the multi-slice spiral CT characteristic manifestatiaons of tracheal diverticulum. Methods It was convenient to choose retrospective analysis of 45 cases of multi-slice spiral CT of tracheal diverticulum from December 2014 to September 2016. Results Multi-slice spiral CT images can clearly show the occurrence of diverticulum, size, number, content, the situation of the diverticulum wall and the relationship between the diverticulum and the surrounding tissue. Of the 45 patients, 24 were male and 21 were female. Occurred in the right 26 cases, right posterior19 cases. All of the 45 cases were solitary and the chambers were all gas shadows. No fluid level was seen. 22 cases had a thin wall and 18 cases had a thicker wall. In 26 patients, the internal wall of the fistula was smooth, and in 19 cases, there were fold-like structures or deviated changes in the internal wall. Conclusion Multi-slice spiral CT in the trachea diverticulum typically presents as a localized gas shadow in the paratrachea of the thoracic inlet, which is characteristic of the tracheal traffic. Therefore, multi-slice spiral CT is of great value in diagnosing tracheal diverticulum.
作者 郑许强 叶筱 黄婷 廖呈俊 ZHENG Xu-qiang;YE Xiao;HUANG Ting;LIAO Cheng-jun(Department of Radiology,Fujian Provincial Geriatric Hospital,Fuzhou,Fujian Province,350003 Chin)
出处 《中外医疗》 2018年第15期191-192,198,共3页 China & Foreign Medical Treatment
关键词 胸部 多层螺旋CT 气管憩室 多平面重建 Chest Muhisliee spiral CT Tracheal diverticulum Muhiplanar reconstruction
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