The internationalization of RMB depends on the promotion of offshore market.China gradually strengthens the market mechanism about the exchange rate after experiencing few exchange rate reformations.The recent exchange rate reformation happened in August 11st,2015,which is called "8.11" exchange rate reformation,and this reformation makes China's exchange rate parity more elasticity and marketization.This paper regards the "8.11" exchange reformation as cut-off point and uses Granger causality test and DCC-MVGARCH-BEKK model to the empirical study.The conclusions are as follows:Firstly,the exchange rate reformation is not strengthen the pricing power about exchange rate parity.Therefore,the offshore exchange rate market's pricing power to exchange rate parity is much stronger than before the exchange rate reformation.The onshore spot exchange rate market and Non-deliverable Forwards market still has pricing power.Secondly,exchange rate reformation strengthens the onshore exchange rate market's volatility spillover effects to offshore exchange rate market,especially to the exchange rate parity.The offshore spot exchange rate market's volatility spillover effect is weaker than before the exchange reformation.Non-deliverable Forwards market has volatility spillover effects whether the exchange reform or not.Thirdly,the wave conduction effect between offshore and onshore exchange market is much more stable because of the exchange reformation.The time-varying between offshore and onshore exchange rate market is much greater than before the exchange rate reformation.
MA Yu;ZHANG Li-na(School of Finance,Shandong Technology and Business University,Yantai 264005,Chin)
Journal of Statistics and Information