
上海市老年人肺通气功能检查正常参考值的初步研究 被引量:4

Preliminary study on prediction equations of elderly pulmonary ventilate function in Shanghai
摘要 目的初步建立上海市老年人肺通气功能检查的预计值公式,探讨1988年肺功能公式在老年人群中的适应性。方法收集2012年1月至2014年12月符合条件的上海市老年疗休养者的肺通气功能检查的数据进行回顾性分析。共收集资料806例,年龄60-88岁,其中男性404例,女性402例,分析8项肺功能参数:FVC、FEV_1、FEV_1/FVC、PEF、FEF25%、FEF50%、FEF75%、FEF25%-75%。采用多元回归分析,建立老年人的肺通气功能正常预计值公式。将受试者的数据分别输入新建的预计值公式及1988年华东地区成人肺功能正常预计值公式中,将两组预计值进行相关性分析及差异度比较。结果建立了老年人肺通气功能正常预计值公式,与1988年华东地区肺功能预计值公式比较,两者密切相关(P<0.01),部分指标差异明显(P<0.01)。结论老年人肺通气功能正常预计值公式的研究有待加强。 Objective To preliminarily establish the prediction equations of pulmonary ventilate function for the elderly in Shanghai,in order to verify the applicability of the prediction equations for pulmonary function parameters established in 1988. Methods Retrospect analysis of the elderly who had the pulmonary ventilate function in Huadong sanatorium from Jun. 2012 to Dec. 2014 were conducted. A total of 806 subjects( 404 males,402 females) who met the criteria were enrolled in this study,from 60 to 88 years old. Pulmonary function parameters were collected,including FVC,FEV_1,FEV_1/FVC,PEF,FEF25%,FEF50%,FEF75% and FEF25%-75%. New prediction equations for the elderly were established by multiple regression analysis. The independent T test and correlation analysis were conducted between the two equations. Results New prediction equations for the elderly pulmonary function parameters in Shanghai were established. There were significant correlations between the two equations( P〈0. 01) and the differences in some parameters were also significant( P〈0. 01). Conclusion It is important to have a further study of the prediction equations about elderly pulmonary function.
作者 祁卉卉 陆燕 刘晓东 单雪晴 金先桥 QI Hui-hui;LUYan;LlUXiao-dong;SHANXue-qing;JIN Xian-qiao(Huadong Sanatorium,Wuxi,Jiangsu 214065,China)
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2018年第7期1236-1239,共4页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
基金 上海市卫生局青年科研项目(No 2012198)
关键词 肺功能参数 预计值公式 老年人 pulmonary function parameters prediction equations elderly
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