目的:建立LC-MS/MS法测定奥沙美辛在大鼠血浆中的浓度,并初步研究其在大鼠体内的药动学行为。方法:血浆样品以甲基叔丁基醚(含0.5%的甲酸)液液萃取,采用ZORBAX SB-C_(18)(2.1 mm×100 mm,3.5μm)色谱柱进行色谱分离,柱温40℃,以甲醇-水-甲酸(70∶30∶0.1)为流动相,流速0.3m L·min^(-1),进样量10μL,分别以m/z 371.0→338.0和m/z 356.0→311.8为奥沙美辛和内标(吲哚美辛)的质谱检测条件。大鼠灌服5、10、20 mg·kg^(-1)奥沙美辛后,不同时间点取样测定其血浆中奥沙美辛的浓度,由DAS2.0计算药动学参数。结果:奥沙美辛质量浓度在2.0~1 000 ng·m L^(-1)内线性关系良好(r=0.999 1,权重1/X^2);定量下限为2.0 ng·m L^(-1);奥沙美辛和内标的提取回收率均高于80%,日内、日间的RSD均小于15%;奥沙美辛血浆样品在室温放置4 h,-20℃冰箱放置1月以及预处理后室温放置12 h的变化率均小于15%。奥沙美辛在大鼠体内吸收较快,达峰时间约1 h,但是吸收很差,绝对生物利用度只有约2.3%。结论:建立的方法适合于奥沙美辛的药动学研究。
Objective:To develop a rapid and accurate LC-MS/MS method for the determination of oxametacin in rat plasma and to study its pharmacokinetics in rats.Methods:Plasma samples were prepared with liquid-liquid extraction using tert-butyl methyl ether(containing 0.5%formic acid).The separation was performed using a ZORBAX SB-C_(18) column(2.1 mm×100 mm,3.5μm),with the column temperature of 40℃.The mobile phase was methanol-water-formic acid(70∶30∶0.1)at the flow rate of 0.3 m L·min^(-1).The injection volume was 10μL.Tandem mass spectrometry data m/z 371.0→338.0 and m/z 356.0→311.8 were used for assaying of oxametacin and internal standard(indomethacin).Rats were given oxametacin at a dose of 5,10 and 20 mg·kg^(-1)by oral gavage and the concentration of oxametacin in plasma was detected at the different time point.The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by DAS 2.0.Results:The concentration of oxametacin was linear within the range of 2.0-1 000 ng·m L^(-1)(r=0.999 1,weights 1/X^2).The lower limit of quantitation was 2.0 ng·m L^(-1).The extract recoveries of oxametacin and internal standard were higher than 80%.The RSDs for intra-day and inter-day detection were less than 15%.The variation of oxametacin in plasma sample was less than 15%if it was kept at room temperature for 4 hours,-20℃for one month or room temperature for 12 hours after pretreatment.The absorption rate of oxametacin in rats was rapid with Tmax of about 1 h,but the absorption was very poor.The absolute bioavailability was only about 2.3%.Conclusion:The LC-MS/MS method was established for the study of the pharmacokinetics of oxametacin.
JING Fan-bo;XING Xiao-min;SHANG Xiu-ling;DING Shou-mei;LI Yan-tuan;XU Wen(School of Medicine and Pharmacy,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266005,China;Department of Pharmacy,The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University,Qingdao 266003,China)
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis