
澳大利亚华人(华裔)文学述评 被引量:1

The Literatures of Chinese Australia
摘要 最早的澳大利亚华人文学作品于20世纪之交发表在悉尼和墨尔本的华语报纸上,表达了对当时中国国内政治形式的关注以及对白澳政策的抗议。时隔几十年后,澳华文学于20世纪90年代重新繁荣起来,这是随着80年代移民政策开放,来自中国大陆新移民热潮以及留学潮的结果。用英语写作的澳洲华裔文学无论是从作者的背景,还是从作品的性质来看迥然不同。这些华裔作家有时置身主流文化之内,有时置身其外,采用创新手法书写身份和归属问题。澳华作家拒绝别人对他们的作品妄加分类,也不愿囿于华裔书写的传统主题,他们通过构思自我、声音、故事,书写多元文化、文学的传承和他们的人生经历,表现本地、(多)民族、全球视角交融的当代生活的复杂性。 The first literary writing to emerge from the Chinese community in Australia was published in the Chinese language press in Sydney and Melbourne around the turn of the 20th century. It reflected the community's passionate involvement in the political events of China then and their opposition to the White Australia policy. Chinese-language writing again blossomed in the 1990 s, a direct consequence of the new wave of migration from China's Mainland following the opening-up policy of the 1980 s and the student protest movement in 1989. The story of Chinese Australian writing in English is quite different, in terms of both the writers' background and the nature of their output. From positions at the same time inside and outside the dominant culture, they engage with identity and belonging in innovative ways. Refusing to be pigeonholed or confined to conventional themes of diasporic writing, Chinese Australian writers respond to their diverse cultural and literary heritage and lived experience by inventing selves, voices, and stories that reflect the complexity of contemporary life at the intersection of local,(multi)national, and global perspectives.
作者 卢秋平(译) (Australian) Wenche Ommtmdsen, Trans. Lu Qiuping2(1.University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia 2522; 2.Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430065, Hubei, China)
出处 《长江学术》 2018年第2期45-58,共14页 Yangtze River Academic
关键词 澳华文学 华裔文学 身份 多元文化书写 Chinese Australian Literature Chinese Diaspora Literature Identity Multicultural Writing
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