
中国大都市区高新技术产业分叉过程及动力机制——以武汉生物产业为例 被引量:20

The process and dynamics of high-tech industrial branching in China's metropolitan areas: A case study of biotechnology industry in Wuhan
摘要 以演化经济地理学为理论基础,综合经济地理学、产业经济学等相关研究成果,认为中国高新技术产业的形成与发展是本地要素与全球力量、历史条件与现实努力、技术创新与制度变革共同作用的结果,并构建了基于多尺度、多要素的中国高新技术产业分叉动力机制分析框架。同时,以武汉市作为案例区,通过梳理武汉市生物产业形成和演化历程,总结影响其生物产业发展的要素和作用形式。研究发现:生物产业与本地光电子产业之间的技术联系、高校和研究所、以及企业本身仅仅是决定生物产业在武汉市形成的一部分因素,地方政府、跨国公司和留学归国人员等主体也是促成生物产业"生根发芽"的重要主体,它们在武汉生物产业发展的各个阶段,作用程度是不同的。这一点是区别于欧美发达国家以技术为核心的产业分叉研究的,也在一定程度上反映出中国目前的高新技术产业发展仍然停留在"量的扩张"阶段,与欧美发达国家以"质的提升"为主的发展本质有所不同。 The recent development of evolutionary economic geography, particularly of "regional branching", has provided both theoretical perspective and methodological tools for our understanding of the formation of new industries and the branching of existing industrial structures. The existing research on "regional branching" originated in western and developed countries has been putting "technology relatedness" at the core, focusing on the relationship between emerging industries and local established technologies. It is necessary to examine the applicability of analysis framework to China experiencing marketization and globalization.Based on the core concepts of evolutionary economic geography, combining with other approaches from other economic geographies and industrial economics, this article strongly argues that special attention should be given to the impacts of higher level political, economic and technological factors on regional branching in China’s metropolitan areas. This article insists that the emergence and evolution of China’s high-tech industry is the combined result of the local and global forces, the historical conditions and concentrated efforts, and technological innovation and institutional changes. And it builds a multi-scale and multi-factor dynamic analysis framework for our understanding of high-tech industrial branching in China’s metropolitan areas. This article examines the processes and driving elements of the emergence of new industries in the contexts of transitional and globalizing China, taking the emergence of the biotechnology industry of Wuhan as a case, with an aim to understand the processes and dynamics of high-tech industry in the Chinese metropolitan areas. The methods used in this article include case studies, field research, in-depth interviews, spatial analysis and statistical data analysis. The main research outputs include: the technological relatedness, the universities and research institutes and enterprises are of much importance to the emergence of Wuhan biotechnology industry, local governments, multinationals, and overseas returnees, are also important factors, which are different from those in developed countries where new technology producing institutions are regarded as being critical to industrial branching. To a large extent,high-tech industry development in China is currently still on the factor-intensive and quantitydriven path, rather than an innovation-based one.
作者 刘志高 张薇 LIU Zhigao;ZHANG Wei(Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;School of Natural Resources and Environment,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Zhejiang Development Planning Research Institute,Hangzhou 310012)
出处 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1349-1363,共15页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41471113 41530751)
关键词 演化经济地理学 产业分叉 生物产业 转型国家 多尺度 evolutionary economic geography regional branching biotechnology industry transitional countries multi-scales
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