
不同形态氮肥配比对会理烤烟生长发育和品质的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Different Forms of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Growth and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco in HuiLi
摘要 为了探索适宜会理地区烤烟生长发育的不同形态氮素配比,以红花大金元为研究对象,采用大田试验研究了硝态氮和铵态氮不同配比处理下烤烟的农艺性状、发病率、病情指数、经济学性状和主要化学成分的表现。结果表明:农艺性状方面,移栽后45 d,以50%硝态氮+50%铵态氮的处理表现较优,而移栽后60 d,各处理烟株表现各异,最大叶长和有效叶数处理间差异不显著;发病率和病情指数方面,以50%硝态氮+50%铵态氮的处理黑胫病和根黑腐病发病率和病情指数最低;常规化学成分方面,在同等施氮量条件下,随着硝态氮肥用量的增加,中部叶中总糖和还原糖均表现为先下降后升高,上部叶总糖、还原糖和烟碱含量各处理间均达到显著差异,综合中部叶和上部叶,以50%硝态氮+50%铵态氮的处理烟叶的常规化学成分最适宜;经济性状方面,在同等施氮量情况下,随着硝态氮肥比例的增加,烟叶产量、产值、均价、上等烟比例和中上等烟比例均是先增加后降低,均以50%硝态氮+50%铵态氮的处理最高。这说明50%铵态氮+50%硝态氮的配比对提高会理烟区烤烟的产质量具有较好的效果,适宜在生产上推广应用。 In order to explore the suitable nitrogen form ratio for flue-cured tobacco growth and development in Huili area, we use Honghuadajinyuan as material, and studied the agronomic characters, incidence, disease index, economic character and main chemical composition of Flue-cured Tobacco under different ratio of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen through field experiment, which was conducted to 5 treatments(T1:30% nitrate nitrogen +70% ammonium nitrogen T2:40%; nitrate nitrogen +60% ammonium nitrogen T3:50%; nitrate nitrogen +50% ammonium nitrogen; T4:61% +39% ammonium nitrate nitrogen; T5:70% nitrate nitrogen +30% ammonium nitrogen). The results showed that 45 days after transplanting, the agronomic traits in T3 was better than other treatments, 60 days after transplanting, the plants behave differently, the maximum leaf length and effective leaf number showed no significant difference; the incidence and disease index rate of black shank and black root rot in T3 is the lowest; the conventional chemical composition: under the same nitrogen condition, with the increase of nitrate nitrogen, total sugar and reducing sugar in tobacco leaves showed decreased first and then increased, total sugar, reducing sugar and nicotine content of upper leaves among different treatments had significant difference, comprehensive middle leaves and the upper leaves, T3 processing routine chemical components is the most suitable; the economic traits: under the same nitrogen conditions, with the increase of the ratio of nitrate nitrogen, the yield, output value, average price and the proportion of superior tobacco and high quality all increased first and then decreased, among which T3 was the best. The experiment proved that the 50%; nitrate nitrogen +50% ammonium nitrogen treatment has the best effect on improving the quality of tobacco leaf production and chemical composition in Huli County.
作者 刘挺 LIU Ting(Huili Brcnch,Liangshan Company of Sichuan Tobacco Company,HuiLi 615100,PRC)
出处 《湖南农业科学》 2018年第5期49-52,共4页 Hunan Agricultural Sciences
关键词 烤烟 铵态氮 硝态氮 配比 农艺性状 化学成分 品质 会理 fue-cured tobacco ammonium nitrogen nitrate nitrogen ratio agronomic traits chemical composition quality Huili
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