

The Feudalization of Multi-National Area——Professor Bai Shouyi’s Theory about Nations and Its Contemporary Values(Ⅱ)
摘要 白寿彝先生在国内首次提出"民族杂居地区的封建化"问题,目前学术界没有对此作出释义。笔者认为,民族杂居地区的封建化,是指大致自三国两晋南北朝至宋元时期,在我国民族杂居地区,由少数民族逐渐确立起来的一种以封建主占有生产资料和不完全占有劳动者为根本特征的生产关系以及一套与该生产关系相适应的,与体现在政治、经济及文化体制、政策等方面的上层建筑相耦合形成的统一体的建构过程。提出民族杂居地区封建化问题,有助于解答少数民族在中国历史发展进程中的地位、作用问题,民族关系的主流是否确定为各民族共同推动中国历史向前发展问题,以及中国的历史是各民族共同创造的历史问题,民族杂居地区的封建化是开启这三个问题的"总钥匙"。学术界通过对这三个问题的回答,能够从根本上改变中国史撰写重汉族史轻少数民族史以及将中国历史写成汉族史或中原王朝史的弊端。 Professor Bai Shouyi is the first scholar who proposed "the feudalization of multi-national area ".However,current academic circles haven't explained this concept so far. Therefore this essay is to study on this problem,holding that the feudalization of multi-national area is a process of construction of a unity established by Chinese minorities in multi-national area and the vast majority of border areas roughly starting from the period of Three Kingdoms,Two Jin,North and South Dynasties to the Song and Yuan Dynasty,which is integrated by a kind of productive relation characterized by the feudal lord's complete ownership of the means of production and incomplete ownership of the laborers with a set of superstructure which is suitable for the productive relation embodied in politics,economy,cultural system,policies,etc. Proposing the problem of "the feudalization of multi-national area"helps us to answer the question that what role the minorities have played in the developing process of Chinese history,the question if the mainstream of the national relationship can be intended to be that all nationalities in China have jointly pushed forward Chinese history,and the question if all nationalities in Chinese history have created this history together."The feudalization of multi-national area"is the passkey to the three questions above,for the answers to these three questions in academic world can fundamentally change the disadvantages in writing Chinese history such as paying all the attention to history of the Han nationality while ignoring the history of ethnic minorities and writing Chinese history of as a history of Han nationality or the history of a dynasty in the central plains only.
作者 马敏 MA Min(Hui Research Institute,Ningxia Academy of Social Sciences,Yinchuan,Ningxia 75002)
出处 《回族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第2期48-54,共7页
关键词 白寿彝 民族杂居地区的封建化 思想价值 Professor Bai Shouyi Feudalization Values of Thoughts
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