
人格权立法的历史演进及其趋势 被引量:19

Historical Evolution and Trend of Personality Rights Legislation
摘要 人格权制度相对于民法典的其他制度出现较晚,其主要原因在于传统民法典是以财产权为中心而建构的。法国的人格权立法出现尤晚,其主要原因在于法国民法典第1382条宽泛的措辞,侵权法对人格权提供了比较周延的保护;当代法国的人格权以第9条私生活受保护为中心而构建。德国人格权保护最为显著的特点是其宪法保护体系,联邦基本法和宪法法院成为人格权保护的坚实基石;法院判例发展出的一般人格权是人格权发展的母体。瑞士人格权制度的特色是债法典与民法典的二元格局,民法典规定了人格权作为绝对权的效果,而债法典则规定了侵权责任的效果。魁北克民法典中人格权的立法是对魁北克人权宪章的具体化,二者之间的和谐一致关系确保民法典对宪法基本权利赋予有效保护。从总体上看,人格权立法存在如下趋势:人格权保护具有明显的宪法维度;法官和司法判例在人格权保护中发挥不可替代的重要作用;人格权立法仍然存在不断强化的趋势;身体权、隐私权和个人信息在当代具有越来越重要的价值;一般人格权制度有其独特的制度语境,不宜简单照搬。 The personality rights system appeared relatively late with respect to other systems of the Civil Code. The main reason is that the traditional civil code was mainly developed with property rights. French personality rights legislation appears particularly late. The main reason is the broad meaning and wording of Article 1382 of the French Civil Code. Tort law provides relatively extended protection for personality rights. In modern times, personality rights in France are established by the protection of the private life stipulated in Article 9. The most significant feature of German personality rights protection is its constitutional protection system. The federal basic law and the Constitutional Court have become the solid foundations for the protection of personality rights. The general personality right developed by the court's jurisprudence, served as the core of personality right development. The personality system of Switzerland is characterized by the binary pattern of the debt code and the civil code. The civil code stipulates the effect of the right of personality as an absolute right, while the code of credit stipulates the effect of the tort liability. The legislation of the right of personality in the Quebec Civil Code is a concretization of the human rights charter. The harmonious relationship between the two ensures that the Civil Code provides effective protection of the basic constitutional rights. In general, the personality right legislation has the following trends. The protection of personality rights has a clear feature of constitutional dimension. Judges and judicial precedents play an irreplaceable role in the protection of personality rights. The legislation of personality right still has the tendency of continuous strengthening. Body rights, privacy rights and personal information have much more important values in contemporary times. The general personality right system has its unique institutional context and should not be simply copied.
作者 石佳友
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 CSSCI 2018年第4期140-161,共22页 Journal Of CUPL
基金 作者主持的中国人民大学-日内瓦大学种子基金项目的阶段性成果(项目批准号为16XNQ021)
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