Word、Excel办公软件在文档编辑、电子表格等方面具有突出的优势;而AutoCAD作为专业的制图软件,在工程、机械制图领域具有绝对领先地位。如何发挥两种软件的优势,弥补各自的劣势以扬长避短,是科研人员及生产一线工作人员面临的现实问题。本文重点介绍在word中插入AutoCAD图形的方法,以及如何利用Word和Excel在Auto CAD中编辑文档及表格。
Word and Excel software have great advantages in the field of document editing and electric sheets.AutoCAD,as professional drawing software,has a leading position in drawing area.To play advantages and compensate disadvantages of all software is a practical problem for researchers and engineers.This article focuses on how to insert AutoCAD drawings into word documents and how to edit documents and worksheets in AutoCAD.
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