目的探究温岭市儿童睡眠障碍的发生情况及其相关影响因素。方法选取2016年7月至2017年7月期间在温岭市随机整群抽取1 300名3~6岁幼儿园的儿童作为研究对象,对其家长进行儿童睡眠时间及睡眠习惯问卷调查。结果发放问卷共计1 300份,回收符合条件问卷共计1 266份,其中男性儿童611名,女性儿童655名。不同性别儿童的全天睡眠时间[男(10.16±1.02)h,女(10.17±1.31)h]、白天睡眠时间[男(1.77±0.51)h,女(1.77±0.58)h]及夜间睡眠时间[男(8.35±1.12)h,女(8.37±1.20)h]比较组间差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05),且不同性别儿童的睡眠障碍发生率(20.79%vs.20.91%)比较差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05)。多因素分析结果显示,引起儿童睡眠障碍的因素主要包括:父母打鼾、母亲情绪低落、超过80分贝居室噪音、睡眠俯卧位、有过敏性鼻炎、有哮喘病史、儿童食欲差、睡前1h看电视、睡前1h奔跑或做跳跃活动的游戏、睡前1h饮食、睡前1h情绪、全天睡眠时间、儿童近期家中发生重大事件、新进幼儿园、主要看护人身份(OR值分别为2.781、2.901、3.120、2.909、2.719、2.891、3.125、3.209、2.987、3.123、2.982、3.231、2.658、3.109、3.884,均P<0.05)家庭及社会环境因素。结论温岭市儿童睡眠时间不足,应引起家长及相关儿科工作人员的注意,针对影响儿童睡眠的相关危险因素予以有效控制及预防,并早期发现,及时进行干预治疗。
Objective To investigate the occurrence of sleep disorders in children in Wenling City and analyze its related factors.Methods Random cluster sampling method was used to select 1 300 kindergarten children aged 3-6 years during July 2016 to July2017 in Wenling City as research objects,and parents of the research objects were investigated with questionnaire on children's sleep time and sleep habits.Results A total of 1 300 questionnaires were issued,and a total of 1 266 questionnaires were collected,including 611 male children and 655 female children.There were no significant differences among different sex children in sleep time in a whole day(male:10.16±1.02 h,female:10.17±1.31 h),sleep time during daytime(male:1.77±0.51 h,female:1.77±0.58 h)and sleep time during night(male:8.35±1.12 h,female:8.37±1.20 h)in comparison between groups(all P〉0.05).The difference in incidence of sleep disorders(20.79% vs 20.91%)between different genders was not significant(P〉0.05).Results of multi-factor analysis showed that the factors causing sleep disorders in children included parents snoring,mothers' depression,room noise more than 80 db,sleep prone position,allergic rhinitis,history of asthma,children's poor appetite,TV 1 hour before bedtime,run or jump 1 hour before bedtime,dietary 1 hour before bedtime,motion 1 hour before bedtime,sleep time in a whole day,recent events in children's family,new kindergarten,and primary caregivers(OR value was 2.781,2.901,3.120,2.909,2.719,2.891,3.125,3.209,2.987,3.123,2.982,3.231,2.658,3.109 and 3.884,respectively,all P〈0.05)and other family and social environment.ConclusionIn Wenling City,children's sleep time is insufficient,which should cause the attention of parents and relevant pediatric staff to effectively control and toprevent the related risk factors affecting children sleep,to detection early,and provide intervention treatment timely.
XU Xiao-li;ZHENG Shu-hong;JIN Li-yun(Children Health Care,Wenling City Maternal and Child Health Care Center,Zhejiang Wenling 317500,China)
Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
children's sleep disorders
sleep time
influencing factor