
达芬奇机器人在胃癌手术治疗的应用进展 被引量:1

Progress of Da Vinci Robot in Surgical Treatment of Gastric Cancer
摘要 达芬奇机器人微创外科手术系统(the Da Vinci single-site surgical platform,DVSSP)是目前世界范围应用广泛的一种智能化手术平台。其所具备的三维视野及操作灵活等优点,在胃肠外科领域,逐步应用于胃癌根治术、结直肠癌根治术、胃底折叠术、Heller肌切开术、减肥手术和小肠手术等手术中,并取得了满意的临床疗效。对于胃癌手术方面,相对于传统的腹腔镜与开腹手术,机器人手术操作更精准、灵活,有明显的微创优势,术中治疗及术后近期疗效优于传统腹腔镜手术,大量的临床治疗案例支持下,DVSSP已被证明其作为一项新兴的微创手术结合平台,在胃癌手术治疗领域有着相当大的价值。但仍存在手术时间较长,手术费用高等不足,应用于胃癌手术的远期疗效尚需进一步的观察研究。 ObjectiveThe Da Vinci single-site surgical platform (DVSSP) is an intelligent operation platform widely used worldwide. It possesses 3D vision , flexible operation and other advantages, so in the field of gastrointestinal surgery, it has been gradually applied to radical gastrectomy, radical gastrectomy, radical resection of colorectal cancer, gastric fundus folding, Heller myotomy, weight loss surgery and small bowel surgery, and the satisfactory clinical effect has been achieved. For gastric cancer surgery, compared with traditional laparoscopy and laparotomy, the robot operation is more accurate, flexible, and has obvious minimally invasive advantages. The intraoperative treatment and postoperative curative effect are better than the traditional laparoscopy. With the support of a large number of clinical cases, DVSSP has been proven to be a new platform for minimally invasive surgery and has considerable value in the field of gastric cancer surgery. However, there is still a long operation time and a high cost of operation. The long-term effect of gastric cancer surgery needs further observation.
作者 倪天兴 章志量 周洪伟 Ni Tianxing;Zhang Zhiliang;Zhou Hongwei(Department of General Surgery,the Affiliated Hospital of Hangzhou Normal University,Hangzhou 310011,China)
出处 《中国综合临床》 2018年第5期478-480,共3页 Clinical Medicine of China
关键词 达芬奇机器人微创外科手术系统 胃癌 腹腔镜 Da Vinci single-site surgical platform gastric cancer surgery minimally invasive robot Minimal invasive Robot
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