
2012-2016年四川省流动人口与本地人口肺结核登记治疗对比分析 被引量:3

Comparative Analysis of Registration and Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Between Floating and Local Populations in Sichuan From 2012 to 2016
摘要 目的分析流动人口在四川省登记的肺结核患者中的比重及其结核病防治效果。方法通过结核病信息管理系统,收集2012-2016年间四川本地及外地(流动人口)肺结核患者发现、治疗管理信息,并将二者进行对比分析。肺结核诊断标准以WS288-2008为准(含结核性胸膜炎)。结果 2012-2016年间登记的本地肺结核患者247 162例,纳入治疗246746例,纳入治疗率99.83%,治疗成功238 191例,治疗成功率96.37%;外地结核病患者23 729例,纳入治疗23 665例,纳入治疗率99.73%,治疗成功22 827例,治疗成功率96.20%。登记的现住址为本地的肺结核患者数逐年减少,流动人口肺结核患者数逐年增加,二者之间在患者的纳入治疗率、治愈率等方面差异无统计学意义。结论外地患者流动性强,患者管理难度大,但只要各级政府及卫生计生行政部门、结核病防治机构重视流动人口的结核病防治工作,让流动人口享受本地居民同等的免费诊治政策,加强对流动人口的健康促进和发现并规范治疗、管理结核病患者,流动人口结核病防治工作会取得与本地人口结核病防治工作的同等效果。 Objective To analyze the proportion of floating population in the registered tuberculosis( TB) patients in Sichuan and the effect of TB control. Methods The registration and treatment management information about tuberculosis patients in local and floating populations in Sichuan from 2012 to 2016 was collected via the TB information management system and comparatively analyzed. WS288-2008 was referred to as the diagnostic criteria for TB( including tuberculous pleurisy). Results During the five years from 2012 to 2016,24 7162 cases of local tuberculosis patients were registered,246 746( 99. 83%) patients received treatment,and 238191( 96. 37%) patients were successfully cured,while 23 729 cases of floating population tuberculosis patients were registered,23 665( 99. 73%) patients received treatment,and 22 827( 96. 20%) were successfully cured. The number of registered tuberculosis patients decreased year by year in the local residents,while the number of tuberculosis patients in the floating population increased year by year,but there was no statistically significant difference between those two groups in terms of the rate of treatment acceptance and successful rate of treatment. Conclusion As the number TB patients in the floating population increases gradually,prevention and control the TB epidemics has become a harsh task.Governments at all levels,the health departments and the TB control institutions should pay more attention to the importance to the prevention and control in the floating population,strengthen the health promotion,and equalize free treatment policy to floating population and local patients so that TB control in the floating population will achieve the same effect as in the local population.
作者 饶正远 王丹霞 逯嘉 RAO Zhengyuan,WANG Danxia,LU Jia(Sichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan Province, China)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2018年第8期1023-1026,共4页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
关键词 肺结核 流动人口 对比分析 tuberculosis floating population comparative analysis
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