Metaphorical relational clauses in Halliday's sense are clauses produced when experiences prototypically represented by non-relational processes, such as material and mental, are actually represented by relational process. By investigating metaphorical relational clauses in BNC, two types of metaphorical relational clauses are identified: circumstantial and possessive, and behind them there lie "CONTAINMENT" and "POSSESSION" image schemas respectively. Within the theoretical framework of SFL, the paper makes a systematic description of the metaphorical relational clauses. On the basis of the description, the paper attempts to explore the speaker's motivations for choosing a metaphorical relational clause rather than its congruent counterpart. From a cognitive perspective, choosing a metaphorical mode is to impose certain semantic features entailed in the "CONTAINMENT" and "POSSESSION" image schemas on the event being represented.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research