The Dispute Settlement Body (hereafter DSB) of WTO prefers to strictly review whether the regulatory tools adopted by the Members are consistent with the Covered Agreements, while accords great deference and prudence to review the Members' regulatory purpose. However, Article 2.2 of TBT Agreement stipulates explicitly that the regulatory purpose chosen by the Members shall be legitimate. The empirical fact test adopted by Panels of relevant TBT disputes to assess the legitimacy of regulatory purpose gives the Members the final say about legitimacy, which contravenes the text of Article 2.2. The central -peripheral approach established by Appellate Body conserves the final say to the DSB on one hand and accords some deference to the Members' regulatory purpose on the other. The "central" regulatory purpose, which could be deemed as legitimate automatically, should be enlarged to all regulatory purposes in WTO legal system, so as to expand the Members' autonomy to set regulatory purpose.
International Economics and Trade Research