鉴于当今对重型汽车的振动和噪声控制越来越严的趋势 ,有必要开发一种新型高效的阻尼减振降噪装置 ,而 N弹性约束层组合阻尼减振降噪结构正具有这些性质。根据阻尼材料的温度——频率的动态效应 ,把其诺模图试验曲线拟合成方程并实现数字化 ;经对 N弹性约束层组合阻尼结构参数的解耦 ,建立起优化模型 ,实现了此种结构参数的动态优化。最后经对研制出的橡胶缓冲装置的动态实验 。
It is necessary that a new type of effective damping vibration noise reductive unites should be developed due to the more and more serious regulation of control targets of the vibration and noise for heavy duty trucks nowadays,and N elastic element structural composites just meet the need In the paper ,on the basis of the dynamic temperature frequency effects of the damping materials,the testing curves in a Normgram of the materials are simulated to equations and the curves are made into digitalization After the parameters are uncoupled in the N elastic element srtuctural composites ,an optimal model is established and the dynamic parametric optimization is realized Finally,a dynamic experiment for rubber absorbers developed is carried out,results show better coincidence between experimental and theoretic values for the structural factors
Shaanxi Machinery