
程钟龄《医学心悟》止嗽散探微 被引量:4

Zhi Sou Powder(止嗽散) Exploration Analysis of CHENG Zhongling's(程钟龄) Yixuexinwu(医学心悟)
摘要 止嗽散出自《医学心悟》,系清代程钟龄创立用于治疗咳嗽的代表方,配伍严禁、精密得当,温润平和、不寒不热,主要用于外感风寒咳嗽,程钟龄认为风寒之邪是咳嗽的主要病因,"咳嗽者,肺寒也""咳嗽之因,属风寒者十居其九",强调要重视咳嗽初期治疗,毋令失治、误治而变为他证;少阳证、直中证、水气证引起咳嗽均与寒邪有关,少阳证兼咳嗽,肺有寒,小柴胡去参、枣加干姜,温肺散寒;直中证兼咳嗽,寒水上束于肺,温其中而咳自止;水气证兼咳嗽,寒水上射于肺,分表里水气治之:表有水气而发热,小青龙汤发散以行水;里有水气而下利,则用本方去麻黄,加荛花,以攻之;轻则小半夏加茯苓汤,以疏之,俾水饮流通,咳自止矣。咳嗽乃常见症状,急慢性气管炎、哮喘、肺炎等呼吸系统疾病均可表现为咳嗽,有声无痰为咳,有痰无声为嗽。《黄帝内经》最早记载论述了咳嗽的病名、成因、症状、证候分类、治疗及预后转归,外伤六淫或内邪犯肺为主因,系外感或内伤之邪犯肺,宣降失常,气机上逆。"止嗽散,治诸般咳嗽",止嗽散虽为外感风寒咳嗽之主方,临床多数医家用止嗽散加减配伍,化裁运用,对外感风寒、风热、风燥各种证型、内伤等咳嗽均可获效。 Zhi Sou powder(止嗽散) from Yixuexinwu(医学心悟), tied from with CHENG Zhongling(程钟龄) of Qing Dynasty who has created applying remedy cough which is a representative, its compatibility of medicines is rigorous, this formula has been nature quiet with warm and moist, people has it not will appeared cold or heat performance, it applying mainly exogenous cough, CHENG zhongling of Qing Dynasty who deem the cough primary reason is wind-cold pathogen, cough patients the chief cause of disease is lung cold which is 90% of the total cough cause, who has emphasized doctors should pay attention to cure of cough initial stage that prohibit it transformation other syndrome due to loss or mistake of treatment. Shaoyang syndrome, direct of syndrome,Water qi syndrome cause of disease correlate cold evil. Shaoyang syndrome accompaniment cough, lung has cold evil, using Xiaochaihu decoction minus ginseng and jujube add rhizome zingiberis which can warming lung for dispelling cold. Direct of syndrome accompaniment cough, cold evil invade lung which cure is warmed. Water Qi syndrome accompaniment cough, cold evil invade lung which cure differentiate diseases in the body of exterior or interior. Exterior body disease has qater Qi and fever which cure is used Xiao Qinglong decoction. Interior body disease has diarrhea which cure is used Xiao Qinglong decoction by remove ephedra and added long flower string bush flower. Minor disease which cure is used Small Pinelliae Decoction added tuckahoe. Huang di's Canon(黄帝内经) of medicine recorded and discussed initially cough name, pathogeny, pathogenesis, symptom, syndrome category, treatment and prevention variety. External or internal evil invade lung is main pathogeny, tied with external or internal evil invade lung which caused abnormally lung controlling dispersing outwards and inwards and Qi adverseness. Zhisou powder can cured various cough that mainly cured cough of wind cold evil, vast majority clinical doctors apply it that cured windcold evil syndrome, wind heat evil syndrome, wind dryness evil syndrome and internal disease which effect is fine and ideal.
作者 李义 熊洪艳 LI Yi1,XIONG Hongyan2(Yunnan University of TCM:1.Basic Medicine School,Pharmacology of TCM Formulae Profession of Grade of 2016,Clinical Common Diseases or Symptoms and Signs Therapy and Pharmacology of TCM Formulae Study;2.Pharmacology of TCM Formulae Education Department of Basic Medicine School,Kunming 650500,Chin)
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2018年第6期75-77,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 止嗽散 咳嗽 医学心悟 程钟龄 外感风寒 少阳证 直中证 水气证 风热 风燥 中药复方 方药配伍 Zhisou powder(止嗽散) cough Yixuexinwu(医学心悟) CHENG Zhongling(程钟龄) external wind cold evil Shaoyang syndrome direct of syndrome water Qi syndrome external wind heat evil external wind dryness evil Chinese herbal compounds prescription compatibility
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