
互联网平台管理模式对消毒供应中心持续性质量改进的实效 被引量:8

Effects of Internet Platform Management Model on Continuous Quality Improvement of Central Sterile Supply Department
摘要 目的:探讨互联网平台管理模式对消毒供应中心持续性质量改进的作用。方法:成立持续性质量改进小组,设计互联网管理平台并应用于消毒供应中心持续性质量改进过程中的问题发现、不良事件上报、问题分析解决、效果评价、相关工作流程、规章制度及监测标准的调整等全过程。结果:在应用互联网管理平台后,消毒供应中心灭菌物品监测率,消毒灭菌包合格率,医疗器械清洗率,消毒灭菌包质量满意度,护士知识掌握率与对质量改进满意度,临床各科室满意度均明显提高,不良事件重复率明显下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:互联网管理平台能帮助持续性质量改进小组快速、科学、有效地获得和实时分析不良事件信息,提供全面、科学的决策依据,使护士更便捷地吸取经验,提高了消毒供应中心持续性质量改进的实效性。 Objective: To discuss the effects of interact platform management model on continuous quality improvement of central sterile supply department (CSSD). Methods: After establishing the team for continuous quality improvement, interact management platform was designed and applied to the whole course of continuous quality improvement of CSSD, which contained finding out the problems, reporting adverse event, problems analysis and solving, effects assessment, the related workflow, the roles and regulations, regulating monitoring standard and others. Results: After applying internet management platform, sterilizing articles monitoring rate of CSSD, sterilizing bag pass percentage, medical apparatus and instruments cleaning rate, satisfactory degree of sterilizing bag quality, nuts-es' knowledge grasping rate and their satisfactory degree to quality improvement and satisfactory degree in different departments raised obviously, the repetition rate of adverse event lowered obviously, and the difference showed statistical meaning (P〈0.05). Conclusion: Interact management platform could help the team for continuous quality improvement obtain and analyze the information of adverse event quickly, scientifically and effectively, provide the entire and scientific decision basis, which could make the nurses learn the experience more conveniently and raise the effectiveness of continuous quality improvement of CSSD.
作者 文艳梅 WEN Yanmei(Central Sterile Supply Department,Meishan Municipality People's Hospital,Meishan 620010,China)
出处 《西部中医药》 2018年第7期58-61,共4页 Western Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 消毒供应中心 持续性质量改进 质量控制 实效 互联网 central sterile supply department continuous quality improvement quality control the effectiveness internet
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