
意识的主体性和等级性:来自认知神经科学的实证证据 被引量:3

The subjectivity and hierarchy of Consciousness:New Evidences from Cognitive Neuroscience on Consciousness
摘要 当代认知神经科学大致从三个进路研究意识,其一是意识与无意识的对比研究,试图找到与意识最小相关的神经机制,这是"意识"的物质基础;其二,"意识"的思维标记,寻找意识现象出现时脑活动的特征,从而建立脑神经结构、活动模式与意识体验之间的对应关系;其三,根据意识整体状态的差异,寻找判定意识等级的标准,这是意识的进化生物学证据。这些实证研究完全不同于传统哲学意识的"副现象"、意识的主体性、自我意识、泛灵论等论题的分析和主张,它们提供了一种可以验证或者证伪的、扎实的意识研究的科学和哲学基础。 In the research framework of modern cognitive neuroscience,there are three main approaches to the study of consciousness: firstly,the contrastive study on consciousness and unconsciousness,aiming to find the neural mechanism in minimal relation to the consciousness which can be seen as the material basis of "consciousness";secondly,signatures of a conscious thought,aiming to find signals of brain activity when we are conscious; thirdly,exploring how to grade the levels of consciousness according to different global states of consciousness. These explorations are quite different from the analyses and claims involving the traditional topics in philosophy of consciousness,such as epiphenomenon,subjectivity,self-consciousness and animism; however,they provide an experimental base for philosophical and scientific research on consciousness.
作者 安晖 AN Hui(Department of Philosophy,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310028,China;School of Political Science and Law,Shanxi Normal University,Linfen,Shanxi 041000,China)
出处 《科学技术哲学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期78-83,共6页 Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology
基金 教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"巴尔斯‘全局工作空间’意识理论研究"(12YJC720001)
关键词 意识 无意识 主体性 自我 意识等级 认知神经科学 consciousness unconsciousness subjectivity ego the levels of consciousness cognitive neuroscience
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