
工艺设计质量信息不对称环境下质量激励合同设计 被引量:5

Quality Incentive Contract with Asymmetric Process Design Quality Information
摘要 工艺设计质量决定了产品可制造性,从而对产品质量产生重要影响。在生产外包环境下,不仅供应商的质量努力难以合同化,而且工艺设计质量可能是设计者的私人信息,因此在供应商和制造商之间往往是不对称的,从而为质量激励合同设计带来挑战。本文考虑一个制造商和一个供应商构成的两级供应链。制造商可能自己设计产品,然后将生产外包给供应商,也可能将设计和生产都外包给供应商。本文分析了在这两种外包策略下,制造商的质量激励合同设计。研究发现:1)当工艺设计质量是对称信息时,制造商可以通过质量合同设计实现全局最优质量和利润;2)当工艺设计质量是制造商的私人信息时,工艺设计质量高的制造商可以通过降低对供应商的质量惩罚强度以及增加采购价格来传递工艺设计质量的信号;3)当工艺设计质量是供应商的私人信息时,制造商可以通过质量合同菜单来甄别工艺设计质量信息。与工艺设计质量是对称信息时的均衡合同相比,在针对低工艺设计水平供应商的合同中,制造商降低质量惩罚强度和采购价格;在针对高工艺设计水平供应商的合同中,质量惩罚强度不变,但采购价格提高。 Process design quality determines the product manufacturability,and hence influences the product quality.In a production outsourcing environment,the supplier's quality effort is generally non-contractible,and the process design quality may be asymmetric between the supplier and the manufacturer as it is the designer's private information.The asymmetric information brings great challenges for the manufacturer to design the quality incentive contract.In this paper,a manufacturer,who outsources the production to a supplier and keeps the process design in-house,or outsources both the process design and production,is considered.The final product quality is determined by the supplier's quality effort and the process design quality.The manufacturer's incentive-compatible quality contracts are examined by the Stackelberg Game theory and the incentive theory under the two outsourcing scenarios.It is shown that:a)the manufacturer can achieve the first-best quality and profit if the process design quality is common knowledge.b)The manufacturer with a high process design quality will decrease its quality penalty and increase the procurement price to signal the process design quality information when the process design quality is the manufacturer's private information.c)If the process design quality is the supplier's private information,the manufacturer can screen the process design quality information by a menu of quality contracts.In the latter case,the contract for the supplier with low process design quality has lower procurement price and quality penalty than that under symmetric process design quality information.By contrast,the procurement price is increased and the quality penalty keeps unchanged in the contract for the supplier with high process design quality.At last,the numerical examples are used to verify the impacts of asymmetric process design quality information on the manufacturer's quality contract.Our work enriches the supply chain quality management literature by considering the asymmetric process design quality information.The results show that the managers should pay a close attention to the asymmetric process design quality information and design effective incentive contract to improve the supply chain efficiency and product quality.
作者 曹滨 高杰 CAO Bin;GAO Jie(School of Management,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi' an 710049,China;State Key Laboratory for Manufaeturing System Engineering,Xi'an 710049,China)
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期142-150,共9页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金面上资助项目(71571141) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(15ZDB150)
关键词 生产外包 工艺设计质量 不对称信息 质量激励合同 分离均衡 production outsourcing process design quality asymmetric information quality incentive con-tract separate equilibrium
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