

Pragmatism as Naturalized Hegelianism:Overcoming on the Theory of World of Heidegger in His Early Philosophy
摘要 本文以海德格尔的早期哲学为例探讨了海德格尔的世界理论,这种世界理论不同于传统形而上学的世界理论。传统形而上学在存在的顺序上认为世界先于人的认识和人的语言,由于它在世界向人发生之前就预设了世界的存在并把它作为最为原始的研究对象,所以,它在陷入独断论的情况下先后经历了从本体论向认识论再到语言学退守的命运。海德格尔则相反,他在发生的顺序上认为在人的生存活动中向人发生的世界是最为原始的世界,人则在世界发生的过程中成其为人。在此过程中,既有着生存论的认识(视),也有着生存论的语言(话语),它们都是人之生存以及人和世界在生存活动中发生的不可缺少的环节。在他看来,传统形而上学的世界以及认识论和语言学,都不过是发生意义上的世界以及视和话语的派生物。因此,传统形而上学从古代的本体论开始就走入了误区,他的世界理论不过是一种纠错性的理论。我们认为,世界只能是人生活于其中的世界,对人来说,发生意义上的世界才是最原始的世界,所以海德格尔的世界理论意味着哲学思维的进步。 The essay takes Heidegger’s early philosophy as an example to discuss his theory of world which is different from traditional metaphysical theory of world.Traditional metaphysics thinks in the order of existence the world precedes people’s knowledge and language.However,it has experienced the fate of retreat from ontology to epistemology and from epistemology to linguistics in the situation of dogmatism because it presupposes the existence of the world and take it as the most original research object before the world occur to man.Opposite of this,Heidegger thinks in the order of occurence that the world that occur to man in man’s existent activities is the most original world.Man becomes also man in his own existent activities.Man’s existent activities both included the existential knowledge (view) and existential language (speech) which are indispensable links to man’s existent activities and world’s occurrence.According to Heidegger traditional metaphysical ontology as well as epistemology and linguistics is just a derivative of the existential world as well as view and speech.Therefore traditional metaphysics falls in a msiunderstanding from ancient ontology,his own theory of world is just a theory of error correction.We think that world can only be the world which man live in,the world to occur to man is the most original world for people,so Heidegger’s the theory of world mean a progress of philosophical thinking.
作者 强以华
出处 《德国哲学》 2017年第1期161-174,共14页 Chinese Journal of German Philosophy
基金 国家社会科学基金后期项目“西方哲学普遍性的沦落”(项目编号:15X009)的阶段性成果
关键词 世界 本体论 认识论 语言学 存在 发生 World Ontology Epistemology Linguistics Existence Occurence
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