
俄罗斯技术创新的就业效应 被引量:2

The Employment Effect of Russian Technological Innovation
摘要 技术创新是创造还是毁灭了就业?这一直是个发人深思的问题,复杂且古典。在俄罗斯,就业问题由来已久,结构性失业与隐形失业普遍存在。在建设创新型国家的战略背景下,技术创新对经济增长的作用将日渐明显。因此,有必要对俄罗斯技术创新的就业效应进行分析与检验。这不仅有助于解决已有的就业问题,还能优化俄罗斯的创新发展战略。首先,文章梳理技术创新与就业间关系的相关理论。其次,基于实际跨期模型与俄罗斯经济社会发展事实,提出俄罗斯技术创新与就业间关系的设想。再次,利用1992-2016年间俄罗斯的技术创新与就业的相关数据构建VAR模型,以检验俄罗斯技术创新的就业效应。最后,从俄罗斯创新的非资本偏向性特征与劳动力受教育程度两方面分析技术创新未对就业产生破坏性效应的原因。 Whether technological innovation is creating or destroying employment has always been a thought provoking question,complex and classic. In Russia, employment has long been a problem, structural unemployment and hidden unemployment are widespread. Under the strategic background of building an innovation-oriented country, the role of technological innovation in economic growth will become apparent. So it is necessary to analyze and test the employment effect of Russian technological innovation. This will not only help solve the existing employment problems, but also optimize Russia’s innovative development strategy. Firstly, the theory of the relationship between technology innovation and employment is combed. Secondly, based on the fact of the actual cross-phase model and Russian economic and social development, puts forward the idea of the relationship between Russian technological innovation and employment. Once again, the VAR model was constructed from the relevant data of Russian technological innovation and employment between 1992 and 2016 to verify employment effect of Russian technological innovation. Finally, from the analysis of the two aspects of the non-capital biased characteristics of Russian innovation and the education degree of labor force, giving the reasons for the undestructive effect of technological innovation on employment.
作者 刘畅 LIU Chang(China Center for Special Economic Zones Research, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Guangdong 518000, Chin)
出处 《技术经济与管理研究》 北大核心 2018年第6期54-59,共6页 Journal of Technical Economics & Management
基金 2017年国家社会科学基金后期资助项目(17FJL014) 2015年教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(15JJDZONGHE032)
关键词 技术创新 就业效应 转型发展 挤出效应 Technological innovation Employment effects Transformation and development Extrusion effect
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