
Hybrid Ⅲ 50 th假人胸部标定试验影响因素的研究

Research on the Influencing Factors of Thorax Calibration for Hybrid Ⅲ 50 th percentile dummy
摘要 假人标定是对碰撞假人性能指标进行检验的程序,假人胸部标定是该程序的重要组成部分,对假人采集的车辆碰撞试验数据的正确性起着重要作用。为提高假人胸部标定结果的正确性,文章选取标定时间间隔、肋骨温度、摆锤撞击速度和打击点横向偏移为影响因素,运用控制变量法对混合三型50百分位假人进行胸部标定试验,研究各因素对胸部标定结果的影响。试验结果表明标定时间间隔的主要作用是保证试验结果的重复性,间隔的加大有利于连续试验。肋骨温度影响着胸部整体刚度,温度的升高会导致刚度减小。摆锤撞击速度影响撞击能量,标定结果有随撞击速度的提高而增大的趋势。打击点横向偏移会导致胸部最大反作用力的增大,以及胸部峰值压缩量和迟滞率的减小。 Dummy calibration is a procedure for testing the performance indicators of crash dummies. Dummy chest calibration is an important part of the program and plays an important role in the correctness of vehicle crash test datum collected by dummies. In order to improve the correctness of the dummy's chest calibration results, the calibration time interval, the rib temperature, the pendulum impact velocity and the lateral deflection of the impact point are selected as the influencing factors. A series of chest calibration tests for the Hybrid Ⅲ 50 th percentile dummy are conducted in control variate method in order to investigate the effects of the influencing factors. The test results show that the main role of the calibration time interval is to ensure the repeatability of the test results, and the increase of the interval is beneficial to the continuous tests. The rib temperature affects the overall stiffness of the chest, and an increase in temperature results in a decrease in stiffness. The pendulum impact velocity affects the impact energy, and the calibration results tend to increase with the impact velocity. Lateral deflection of the impact point will lead to an increase in the max resistive force of the chest, as well as a reduction in peak deflection and hysteresis of the chest.
作者 潘浩坤 熊锐 胡德卿 谢火志 Pan Haokun;Xiong Rui;Hu Deqing;Xie Huozhi(Guangdong University of Technology,Guangdong Guangzhou 510006)
机构地区 广东工业大学
出处 《汽车实用技术》 2018年第11期32-35,共4页 Automobile Applied Technology
关键词 混Ⅲ50百分位假人 胸部标定试验 影响因素 Hybrid Ⅲ 50th percentile dummy Thorax calibration test Influencing factors
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