
甘肃省武都区塘坝金矿水文地质特征 被引量:2

Characteristic of Hydrogeology of Gold Deposit in Tangba,Gansu Wudu
摘要 塘坝金矿区位于甘肃省武都区,属琵琶乡管辖。矿区气候温和宜人,据当地气象站历年气象资料表明年平均气温10.8℃。区内水系比较发育,四级水系基本上多呈西-东向,三级及以上水系多呈北-南向,属长江流域嘉陵江水系。地下分水岭基本与地表分水岭一致,区内地下水的生成、赋存与运动往往受地表水流的控制,形成以不同级别地表水流域相对应的水文地质单元,在浅部以第四系松散岩类孔隙水、风化裂隙水为主,而深部为基岩裂隙水。地下水化学类型简单,主要为HCO_3-Ca或HCO_3·SO_4-Ca型淡水。武都塘坝金矿矿床为裂隙充水矿床(第二类)。充水矿床勘探的复杂程度划为第一型-简单型,属水文地质条件简单矿床。 The Tangba gold deposit lie in Wudu of Gansu province under Pipa jurisdiction. The climate in mining area is mild and pleasant. The meteorological date showed that the annual average temperature is 10.8 degrees Celsius according to the local weather station. The water in the area is relatively developed as the Jialingjiang water system of Yangtze River val- ley. Overall, the four-level water system is mostly from west to east, and the three-level and above are from north to south. The groundwater divide is almost similar with the surfaeewater divide. But the formation, the mode of occurrence and move- ment of the groundwater in the area is mainly controlled by the surface flow, forming the hydrogeologieal units based on the surface water valley at several different levels, with the mainly quaternary pore water in loose rock mass and weathered fis- sure water in the shallow part and bedrock fissure water in deep. Hydrochemical types of groundwater are comparatively sin- gle, mainly based on HCO3-Ca-type or HCO3 · SO4-Ca-type fresh water. The deposit in Tangba gold ore is crack charge water mineral deposit. Its complexity can be divided into simple type, which belongs to the simple ore deposit under these geological conditions.
作者 史密斯 SHI Mi-si(Third Institute Geological and Miner Exploration of Gansu Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Rosources,Lanzhou 730050,Chin)
出处 《甘肃冶金》 2018年第4期86-89,92,共5页 Gansu Metallurgy
关键词 金矿矿床 水文地质 建造类型 层状岩类 gold deposit hydrogeololgy constructional type stratified rock
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