
识脸错觉与橡胶手错觉下的身份认同:基于内隐联想测验的证据 被引量:1

Social identity based on enfacement illusion and rubber hand illusion:The evidence from implicit association test
摘要 识脸错觉和橡胶手错觉是个体将他人面孔或橡胶手感受为自己真实身体一部分的错觉体验。为了探究识脸错觉和橡胶手错觉能否发生在跨种族面孔的表征上,且其如何改变被试的内隐种族态度,本研究进行了两个实验,考察个体对黑人面孔的识脸错觉、橡胶手错觉及错觉对内隐态度的影响。结果显示:(1)实验一能成功诱发识脸错觉,导致被试的内隐种族态度显著变积极;(2)实验二能成功诱发橡胶手错觉,同样导致被试的内隐种族态度显著变积极。可见,同步触碰条件能诱发被试跨种族的面孔识脸错觉以及橡胶手错觉,被试对跨种族的内隐种族态度变得更积极,证明了身体部位错觉在模糊了"自我—他人"的身体界线的同时,也产生了跨种族的身份认同感。 Enfacement illusion and rubber hand illusion are subjective experience between one’s own and other persons’face or rubber hand. In order to investigate whether these illusions can happen to the rep-resentations of interracial faces and how they change implicit racial attitude, we carried out two experi-ments using enfacement illusion and rubber hand illusion. After giving synchronous or asynchronous stimu-lation, we tested participants ’ illusions toward black faces or rubber hand and the influence of illusions on implicit attitude. The results showed that : (1) In experiment 1, after receiving synchronous, but not asyn-chronous stimulation, participants had enfacement illusion and their implicit racial attitude changed more positive; (2) In experiment 2, rubber hand illusion arouse only after participant received synchronoussimulation, and their implicit racial attitude changed more positive. Synchronous simulation condition can cause interracial enfacement illusion and rubber hand illusion, and these illusions turn implicit racial atti-tude into more positive way which can prove body illusion blur “ self-other” boundary and cause interracial social identity at the meantime.Key words enfacement illusion; rubber hand illusion; implicit attitude
作者 薛琦 陆爱桃 曲星羽 刘楚麒 李美荣 张丽芬 XUE Qi, LU Aitao, QU Xingyu, LIU Chuqi, LI Meirong, ZHANG Lifen(Center for Studies of Psychological Application & School of Psychology, South China Normal University; Guangdong Key Laboratory of Mental Health and Cognitive Science; Guangdong Center of Mental Assistance and Contingency Technique for Emergency, Guangzhou 51063)
出处 《心理研究》 2018年第3期250-260,共11页 Psychological Research
基金 国家自然科学基金(31571141和31628010) 国家基础科学人才培养基金(J1030729,J1210024和J1310031) 国家社科基金重大项目(14ZDB155) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地项目(16JJD880025) 广东省高等学校优秀青年教师培养计划(HS2015001) 广东省科技创新项目攀登计划(pdjh2017a0128)
关键词 识脸错觉 橡胶手错觉 内隐态度 enfacement illusion rubber hand illusion implicit attitude
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