
基于工作旺盛感理论的绩效与薪酬关系研究 被引量:1

The Relation of Performance and Salary From the Perspective of the Theory of Job Satisfaction
摘要 工作旺盛感主要从个体感知视角关注员工身心发展,是员工在工作中体验到活力和学习的一种心理状态,主要用于衡量个体的成长与进步。它特别强调员工积极心理对其行为的影响,对于提高员工工作效能,实现个人和组织的愿景具有重要意义。文章在这一心理学理论视角下,对绩效与薪酬进行研究,主要探讨工作旺盛感与二者的关系,整合出"认知线"和"情感线"的管理逻辑思路,探究企业持续性发展的薪酬管理和绩效管理模式,从而对员工管理与组织管理提出建议。 Job satisfaction is a mental state that is experienced from working. It is an individual perception concerning over the employees' physical and mental development and used to measure the individual's growing and advancement. The influence of positive mentality on the employee's behavior is stressed. It is of great importance for the hope of realizing the individual and organization's expectation,that is,to improve the employee's task performance. From this psychological perspective,performance and salary are studied by discussing the relation of job satisfaction and the two. The management logic of "perception"and "affection"is integrated. The management of sustainable development,salary and performance,is researched to provide suggestions for the employee management and organization management.
作者 张丽 ZHANG Li(Baise University, Baise 533000, Chin)
机构地区 百色学院
出处 《哈尔滨学院学报》 2018年第6期31-35,共5页 Journal of Harbin University
基金 广西壮族自治区哲学社会科学规划项目 项目编号:15FGL018
关键词 工作旺盛感 绩效管理 薪酬管理 员工管理 the job satisfaction peffomlance management salary management employee management
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