
中山植物置山中 青翠古杉谷翠青——纪念植物育种学家叶培忠教授诞辰120周年 被引量:1

He Devoted All His Heart to Garden Trees and Turned All His Blood into Valley Firs——In Commemoration of the 120th Birthday of Famous Plant Breeder and Professor Ye Peizhong
摘要 叶培忠(1899~1978),江苏江阴人,植物育种学家、林学家,中国树木遗传育种学科创始人,中国植物研究和植物园建设、中国水土保持和牧草学科学研究的开拓者和奠基人之一,中国最早提倡荒山林草结合造林的科学家。1927年毕业于金陵大学,民国时期历任南京总理陵园纪念植物园主任、中华林学会水土保持研究委员会委员、农林部天水水土保持实验区技正、第二任主任、农林部农林专门委员等职;新中国成立后,先后任武汉大学农学院、华中农学院和南京林学院教授,林学系树木育种教研室兼树木遗传育种研究室主任,中国科学院植物研究所南京中山植物园兼任研究员,中国林学会林业委员会委员。20世纪40~70年代,叶培忠教授在树木杂交育种等诸多领域开创先河,成就卓著。曾经在杨属、松属、楸属、鹅掌楸属和杉科等树种中进行种间或属间杂交育种,培育出十多个品系的杂交新树种。其中培育的新树种"亚美马褂木"世界领先,2007年在北京被推举为"奥运树",栽种在奥运村;以叶培忠名字命名的"培忠杉"是中国首次获美国专利的木本植物新品种,2009年在上海被选为世博园绿化树种,被誉为"世博树"。叶培忠教授带领同事进行的黑杨派南方型无性系引种的成功,以及树种遗传改良的成果推动了中国速生用材林的建设。叶培忠教授毕生致力于农林科教事业,为国家培养了一批杰出的农林科技人才。 Ye Peizhong, who was born in Jiangyin County, Jiangsu Province in 1899 and died in 1978, was a scientist of plant breeding and forestry, the founder of the discipline of tree genetics and breeding of China, one of the pioneers and founders of Chinese botanical research and botanical garden construction, soil and water conservation, and pasture research in China, and one of the scientists who advocated afforesting barren hills by combining planting trees with planting grass earliest in China. Ye Peizhong graduated from Jinling University in 1927. During the period of the Republic of China, he served as the director of the Memorial Botanical Garden of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum in Nanjing, a member of the Soil and Water Conservation Research Comminee of Chinese Forestry Society, the technical director and second director of Tianshui Soil and Water Conservation Experimental Area of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and a special commissioner of agriculture and forestry of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. After the founding of new China, Ye Peizhong successively worked as professor of Agronomy College of Wuhan University, professor of Forestry Department of Huazhong Agricultural College, professor and director of Tree Breeding Teaching and Research Section and Tree Genetics and Breeding Research Laboratory of Forestry Department of Nanjing Forestry College, part-time research fellow of Zhongshan Botanical Garden of Botanical Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a member of Forestry Commission of China Forestry Society. In the period between 1940s and 1970s, Professor Ye pioneered the cross breeding of trees and achieved outstanding achievements. In this period he once carried out intergenera breeding or interspecific hybridization in the species of populus, pinus, eucalyptus, liriodendron and taxodiaceae, and developed more than 10 strains of hybrid new species. Among the new species he developed liriodendron sino-americanum was the world leader and chosen as "Olympic Tree" in Beijing in 2007 and planted in the Olympic village. Also, taxodiomeria peizhongii, named after Ye Peizhong, is the first Chinese wood variety to be patented by the United States and chosen as greening tree species for Shanghai World Expo Garden in Shanghai in 2009, praised as the World Horticultural Exposition tree. Professor Ye Peizhong led his colleagues into introducing the southern type clones of the black poplar and improving tree species genetically and got success, which promoted the construction of fast- growing timber forest in China. Additionally, Professor Ye, who devoted all his life to the causes of scientific research and education of agriculture and forestry, cultivated a large number of outstanding scientific and technological talents of agriculture and forestry.
作者 叶和平 邱海明 YE He-ping, QIU Hai-ming(Office of Retired Workers, Harbin University of Engineering, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang Province, Chin)
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第2期129-136,共8页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 叶培忠教授 荒山林草结合造林 亚美马褂木 培忠杉 速生用材林 树木杂交育种 Professor Ye Peizhong afforestation of barren hills with the combination of trees planting with grass planting liriodendron sino-americanum taxodiomeria peizhongii fast-growing timber forest tree crossbreeding
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