
江西省鸟类种类统计与多样性分析 被引量:12

Statistics and Biodiversity Analysis of Bird Species in Jiangxi Province
摘要 以《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(第三版)为分类系统,以2017年鸟类种类统计为基础,对江西省的鸟类种类进行了重新整理,形成了最新的江西省鸟类名录。结果表明:截至20017年底,江西省鸟类有22目84科280属570种(620种和亚种),占我国鸟类1 445种的39.45%,其中259种为古北种(占江西省鸟类种数的45.44%),187种为东洋种(32.81%),124种为广布种(21.75%);有国家I级重点保护鸟类12种,国家Ⅱ级重点保护鸟类81种,江西省重点保护鸟类97种;中国特有种15种;IUCN极危物种4种,濒危物种11种,易危物种24种;CITES附录Ⅰ14种,附录Ⅱ61种。江西有留鸟和夏候鸟321种,占全省鸟类种数的56.31%,其中63种为古北种,170种东洋种,88种为广布种,说明江西留鸟和夏候鸟以东洋种为主。江西省鸟类多样性指数G指数、F指数和G-F指数分别为5.266、55.191和0.905。本次统计新增鸟类20种,其中灰翅鸫Turdus boulboul为2017年江西鸟类新纪录种,勺嘴鹬Calidris pygmeus、纵纹腹小鸮Athene noctua和四川短翅蝗莺Locustella chengi等11种为《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(第三版)中江西有分布的种类,短嘴豆雁Anser serrirostris、北短翅蝗莺Locustella davidi和华南冠纹柳莺Phylloscopus goodsoni等8种为《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(第三版)中分类新增种。名录中同时列出了各鸟种在《中国鸟类分类与分布名录》(第二版)和《中国观鸟年报"中国鸟类名录"5.0》中的序号,以利于鸟类研究和保护人员了解鸟类在不同分类系统中的分类地位,更好地服务于江西省的鸟类保护管理和科学研究。 By referring to A Checklist of the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China(Third Edition), and based on the latest number of bird species in Jiangxi province by early 2017, we retabulated the bird species in Jiangxi Province and formulated a latest checklist. We recorded 570 bird species(620 taxa), belonging to 22 orders 84 families 280 genera, accounting for 39.45% of the 1 445 bird species of China; 259 species(45.44%) are Palearctic species, 187(32.81%) Oriental species and the rest 124(21.75%) are Eurytopic species. 12 species are listed in gradeⅠnational key protected animals, and 81 in grade Ⅱ national key protected animals, 97 as priority protected bird species in Jiangxi Province. 15 species are endemic to China. 75 species are listed in the CITES appendices, of which 14 in CITES AppendixⅠand 61 in CITES Appendix Ⅱ. According to the IUCN Red List of Threated species(2017-3), 4 species are critically endangered(CR), 11 species endangered(EN) and 24 are vulnerable(VU). Residents and summer visitors account for 321 species(56.31%), of which 63 belong to Palearctic species, 170 to Oriental species and the rest 88 Eurytopic species, indicating a dominance of the Oriental species in Jiangxi Province. The G index, F index and G-F index of birds of Jiangxi Province are 5.266, 55.191 and 0.905 respectively. Among the 20 newly-recorded bird species, Turdus boulboul was discovered in Jiangxi Province in 2017, Calidris pygmeus, Athene noctua and Locustella chengi recorded distribution in Jiangxi Province in A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China(Third Edition). 8 species, such as Anser serrirostris, Locustella davidi and Phylloscopus goodsoni are new taxa in Jiangxi Province. In order to better understand the status of the same species in different bird taxonomy systems, and better serve the bird protection and scientific research in Jiangxi Province, we provide the order number of each bird species in A Checklist on the Classification and Distribution of the Birds of China(Second Edition), CBR Checklist of Birds of China v5.0(2017) respectively.
作者 曾南京 俞长好 刘观华 钱法文 ZENG Nan-Jing;YU Chang-Hao;LIU Guan-Hua;Qian Fa-Wen(Jiangxi Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve,Nanchang 330038,Jiangxi;Jiangxi Forestry Department,Nanchang 330038,Jiangxi;Key Laboratory of Forestry Protection of State Forestry Administration,Research Institute of Forest Ecology,Environment and Protection,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091)
出处 《湿地科学与管理》 2018年第2期50-60,共11页 Wetland Science & Management
基金 国家林业局保护司珍稀濒危物种调查监管项目"鹤类等水鸟监测 生境恢复及赤颈鹤放归自然前期准备(20130211-17-406/047)" 三峡工程生态与环境监测系统重点站(鄱阳湖)项目(JJ﹝2017﹞-029)
关键词 鸟类 江西 物种名录 多样性 Birds Jiangxi Checklist Diversity
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