
论古代文学作品的细读和精讲——以《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》为个案 被引量:2

Study on Detailed Reading and Intensive Teaching about Classic Literature Works——Taking the Poem AFarewell to Meng Haoran on his way to Guangling as a Case
摘要 以李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》为个案,兼用英美新批评之文本细读方法和我国传统的字词训诂、词源考察、名物考证、汇释汇评方法,探讨古代文学作品的细读和精讲问题。通过"烟花"词义考证,指出它是水边特有的美景,联系着一种求而不得的迷茫或时光流逝的伤感情绪;通过李白、孟浩然交游的考证,指出"孤帆"意象不仅是身之孤,更是心之孤,是失落知音、愁情无人理解的孤独;通过分析李白其他有关黄鹤楼的诗作,及其他诗人的咏黄鹤楼诗作,指出"黄鹤楼"作为一个情感意象,联系着失落、怅惘的情绪。由此认为,此诗的情感基调是与功名难遂、知音难逢、人生不得自由等有关的忧伤、迷茫、怅惘,而不是《唐诗鉴赏辞典》中余恕诚所说的诗意的愉悦的离别。 The paper focuses on the poem a farewell to Meng Haoran on his way to Guangling through several ways,such as detailed reading of the new English and American criticism,Chinese traditional exegetical method,etymology exploration,textual research of names and things and refering to different explanations and critiques about the poem,which aims to emphasize the importantance of detailed reading and intensive teaching in teaching classic literature works. According to the textual research of the"smoke-flowers"(luxuriant flowers as fog and smoke) of the poem,the paper points out that the"smoke-flowers"is not only the special and beautiful scenery beside the river,but also a kind of sad feeling of failing to get and time going by. According to the textual research of the friendship of li Bai and Meng Haoran,the paper points out that the lonely boat is symbol of the poet alone,and it means the poet felt lonely and lacks mental response after his bosom friend leaving.According to the analysis of li Bai and other poets' works about the Yellow Crane Tower,the paper points out that the Yellow Crane Tower is a feeling image,which linked the feeling of sadness and distraction of no fame,no friends and no freedom.So we think that the poet's emotional tone is not poetical and happy departure as Yu Shucheng said in the Peotry Appreciation Dictionary in Tang Dynasty, but sad and distracted.
作者 杨青芝 Yang Qing-zhi(School of Literature,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China)
机构地区 河北大学文学院
出处 《邯郸学院学报》 2018年第1期108-112,共5页 Journal of Handan University
关键词 李白 孟浩然 烟花 孤帆 黄鹤楼 Li Bai Meng Haoran the smoke-flowers the lonely boat the Yellow Crane Tower
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