
挖掘比较优势:地方高校参与“双一流”建设的策略 被引量:5

Developing the Comparative Advantages: The Strategy of Local Universities and Colleges Participating the Construction of “Double First-class”
摘要 地方高校参与"双一流"建设利弊并存,因此地方高校应当谨慎地根据自身情况,以一流学科建设为目标,参与"双一流"建设。借助经济学中绝对优势与比较优势概念分析地方高校的一流学科建设,有总体水平领先、机会成本领先和专业水平领先3种参与"双一流"建设的可选策略,而以发挥比较优势为基础的专业水平领先策略是地方高校参与"双一流"建设的普遍性选择。具体而言,应当立足地方高校所处区位的实际去挖掘比较优势资源,依托比较优势由点及面地开展一流学科建设。而地方高校比较优势的发挥,最终需要落实到服务地方经济社会发展上来。根据历史经验,高校服务地方经济社会有两种参照:一种是以美国威斯康星大学为代表的科技服务路径,另一种是梁漱溟先生所倡导的文化建设路径。中西两条路径互补发展,可以更好地推进地方高校的学科建设。 When it comes to the question of local colleges and universities participating in the constructing "Double First-rate",there are advantages and disadvantages. Therefore,the local universities and colleges should consider their situation cautiously. By virtue of the concepts of absolute advantage and comparative advantage in economics,the result of analysis shows that there are three strategies to choose: overall level leading,opportunity cost leading,professional level leading. The professional level leading based on the comparative advantages is a universal strategy suitable for the local colleges and universities. To be more specific,the resources of comparative advantage should be explored based on the actual situation of local colleges and universities,and the first-class discipline construction should be carried out from the point and the surface relying on the comparative advantage resources.The comparative advantage needs to be implemented through the way of society service. According to the historical experience,the higher education has two choices to provide services for local community:one is the technology service path which is proposed by the University of Wisconsin,and the other is the culture constructing path proposed by Chinese scholar Liang Shuming. Only if the two methods complement each other can the local higher education achieve better subject construction.
作者 喻聪舟 刘锦诺 YU Congzhou;LIU Jinnuo(College of Education Science,Harbin Normal University,Harbin 150025,China)
出处 《重庆高教研究》 2018年第4期100-108,共9页 Chongqing Higher Education Research
基金 辽宁省教育科学"十三五"规划项目"基于数据挖掘的地方高校内部教学质量评价体系的行动研究"(JG17DB009)
关键词 地方高校 “双一流” 比较优势 绝对优势 local universities and colleges "Double First-class" comparative advantage abso-lute advantage
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