
Research progress of siRNA in anti-influenza viral infection

Research progress of siRNA in anti-influenza viral infection
摘要 The harms of seasonal flu and global pandemic influenza have generally attracted attention. However, the currently administered influenza drugs and flu vaccines have certain limitations. Since the discovery of the small interfering RNA(siRNA) and its mediated RNA interference process, this molecule has been widely used in the study of anti-influenza viral infections because of its high specificity and strong selectivity. The results provided new concepts for the prevention and treatment of influenza virus. However, the siRNA still faces an enormous challenge despite extensive studies on this molecule. The research progress of siRNA in anti-influenza viral infection was reviewed in this study. The harms of seasonal flu and global pandemic influenza have generally attracted attention. However, the currently administered influenza drugs and flu vaccines have certain limitations. Since the discovery of the small interfering RNA (siRNA) and its mediated RNA interference process, this molecule has been widely used in the study of anti-influenza viral infections because of its high specificity and strong selectivity. The results provided new concepts for the prevention and treatment of influenza virus. However, the siRNA still faces an enormous challenge despite extensive studies on this molecule. The research pro-gress of siRNA in anti-influenza viral infection was reviewed in this study.
作者 Li Han
出处 《国际感染病学(电子版)》 CAS 2018年第2期50-55,共6页 Infection International(Electronic Edition)
关键词 季节性流感 流行病 治疗方法 预防措施 siRNA RNA interfering influenza virus
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