Helicobacter pylori(Hp) is one of the most common human pathogens. The infection caused by this bacterium is closely related to various clinical diseases. However, the eradication rate of conventional quadruple therapy has decreased, but the recurrence rate of infections has increased. The oral cavity is another major storage of Hp in addition to the stomach, and a certain homology exists between Hp in the oral cavity and Hp in the stomach. Periodontal treatment has a certain role in the killing of oral Hp, which can increase the eradication rate and reduce the recurrence rate of Hp in the stomach. This article summarizes the influence of oral Hp on the eradication rate and recurrence rate of gastric Hp.
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is one of the most common human pathogens. The infection caused by this bacterium is closely related to various clinical diseases. However, the eradication rate of conventional qua-druple therapy has decreased, but the recurrence rate of infections has increased. The oral cavity is another major storage of Hp in addition to the stomach, and a certain homology exists between Hp in the oral cavity and Hp in the stomach. Periodontal treatment has a certain role in the killing of oral Hp, which can increase the eradication rate and reduce the recurrence rate of Hp in the stomach. This article summarizes the influ-ence of oral Hp on the eradication rate and recurrence rate of gastric Hp.
Infection International(Electronic Edition)
Helicobacter pylori
oral cavity
eradication rate
recurrence rate