
加热丝材质和雾化温度对电子烟气溶胶主要成分释放量的影响 被引量:4

Effects of material of heating wire and vaporization temperature on main components in e-cigarette aerosol
摘要 为探索加热丝材质和雾化温度对电子烟气溶胶主要成分释放量的影响。利用电子烟综合测试平台,以组装了静态初始阻值相同的Ti、Ni200和SS316加热丝电子烟为研究对象,考察在180℃-300℃雾化温度范围内电子烟气溶胶中烟碱、丙二醇、丙三醇的释放量变化。结果表明:1)三种加热丝动态实时阻值与工作温度呈现较强的正相关;2)同一雾化温度下,静态初始阻值相同的Ti、Ni200和SS316加热丝雾化烟碱、丙二醇和丙三醇的效率,Ni200最大,Ti次之,SS316最小;3)电子烟气溶胶中烟碱、丙二醇和丙三醇释放量均随三种加热丝雾化温度的上升呈现增加趋势,烟碱释放量在220-240℃之间快速增加,之后增幅不大;4)随着雾化温度升高到260℃,丙二醇和丙三醇的相对释放量发生了十分明显的变化,丙三醇的释放量高于丙二醇释放量。 An electronic cigarette comprehensive test platform was used to study effects of heating wire made with different materials, i.e. Ti, Ni200 and SS316 L, and vaporization temperatures, ranging from 180℃ to 300℃, on release of nicotine, propylene glycol and glycerin in e-cigarette. Results showed that: 1) The dynamic real-time resistance of these three heating wire materials was positively correlated with vaporization temperature. 2) Under same temperature condition and static initial resistance, e-cigarette with Ni200 heating wire delivered maximum nicotine, propylene glycol and propylene glycol, followed by e-cigarette with Ti heating coil and SS316 heating coil. 3) Yields of nicotine, propylene glycol, glycerin were positively proportional to temperature. Yield of nicotine increased rapidly at 220-240 ℃, and then slowed down with further increase of temperature. 4) As temperature increased to 260℃, yields of propylene glycol and glycerin were significantly changed, while yield of glycerin was higher than propylene glycol.
作者 段沅杏 杨威 朱东来 杨柳 李廷华 陈永宽 DUAN Yuanxing;YANG Wei;ZHU Donglai;YANG Liu;LI Tinghua;CHEN Yongkuan(R&D Center,China Tobacco Yunnan Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Kunming 650231,China)
出处 《中国烟草学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期9-13,共5页 Acta Tabacaria Sinica
基金 云南中烟项目"特色功效型电子烟烟油的开发和应用"[2016XY02] 云南省青年基金项目"电子烟烟液关键成分递送规律研究"[2017FD046]
关键词 加热丝 雾化温度 气溶胶 电子烟 烟碱 丙二醇 丙三醇 释放量 heating wire vaporization temperature aerosol e-cigarette nicotine propylene glycol release amount
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