2017年10月新实施的国家标准《珠宝玉石及贵金属产品抽样检验合格判定准则》(GB/T 33541-2017)有效解决了珠宝及贵金属产品缺乏明确的合格判定依据的问题。新国标良好地将珠宝玉石及贵金属相关标准作了有效统一,包括:(1)抽样方案及方法、珠宝玉石及贵金属的检测方法、有害元素的检测方法、钻石珍珠翡翠等品质分级、标签标识的合格判定、整体综合判定及异议复查7个主要方面,覆盖产品质量监督全过程;(2)名称中将"饰品""首饰"调整为"产品",明确提出了"珠宝玉石及贵金属其他产品可参照本标准执行"的适用范围,解决了金条、摆件等贵金属制品缺乏有效对应标准的问题;(3)明确了"标签不合格"的定义,可有效减少监督抽查中可能产生的纠纷。新国标的出台有效地规范和统一全国珠宝玉石及贵金属产品,对整体提升我国珠宝行业的产品质量和消费信心具有重大意义。
This article explained the new National Standards:Qualified Judgement Criteria of Sampling Inspection for Gems and Precious Metal Products(GB/T 33541-2017),and has already been valid in October 2017 and effectively solved the problem of lacking of explicit qualified judgement criteria in jewelry industry.The new national standard perfectly united most related standards of gems and precious metal,including:(1)Sampling plan and methods,testing methods of gems and precious metal,determination methods of baneful elements in jewelry,grading standards of diamonds,pearls and jadeites,qualified judgement standard of marks and labels,qualified judgement standard of whole gems or precious metal products,and plan of objection and repeat inspection seven main parts,covering the entire process of quality supervision and inspection of jewelry.(2)Compared with traditional gems and precious metal standards,the new national standard modified the standard name from "jewelry/adornment"to "product",explicitly presented "other products of gems and precious metal can refer this standard",which solved the problem of lacking of proper standards for those gems or precious metal artworks such as gold bars or jade carvings.(3)Confirmed the definition of"unqualified label",which could effectively reduce the possibility of conflicts during jewelry quality supervision and inspection.Conclusively,the new standard will effectively standardize and unify national gems and precious metal products,and will significantly improve products quality and enhance consumer confidence in jewelry industry all over the country.
WANG Zhilin(Henan Province Gold and Precious Metal Testing Centre,Sanmenxia 472000,China)
Journal of Gems & Gemmology
jewelry product
quality supervision
national standard
precious metal