
大数据技术在水电站地下厂房通风空调系统中的应用研究 被引量:3

Application of the Big Data Technology in Ventilation and Air Conditioning System for Underground Powerhouse in Hydropower Stations
摘要 大数据技术在地下厂房通风空调系统中的应用,通过实时监测通风空调系统的相关数据,并且在历史数据整理、发展趋势分析和模拟预测等方面,为通风空调系统运行效能的实时评估提供了可能,有望实现对地下厂房通风空调系统的在线监测、实时数据可视化管理和辅助决策三为一体的大数据应用技术。 The application of the big data technology in ventilation and air conditioning system for underground powerhouse in hydropower stations is introduced. Based on the real-time monitoring data,the big data technology could be of great use in the historical data consolidation,development trend analysis and simulation prediction. Thus,a real-time assessment of the operational efficiency of the ventilation and air conditioning system could be realized. Then,an application framework based on the big data technology is discussed,in which the online monitoring,real-time data visualization management and decision-making assistance are integrated for the ventilation and air conditioning system.
作者 陈鹏 王杰飞 CHEN Peng;WANG Jiefei(Xiluodu Hydropower Plant,China Yangtze PowerCo.,Ltd.,Yongshan 657300,Chin)
出处 《水电与新能源》 2018年第6期25-28,共4页 Hydropower and New Energy
关键词 大数据 地下厂房 通风空调系统 可视化管理 big data underground powerhouse ventilation and air conditioning system visual managemen
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