
宁夏南部山区冬小麦抗旱指标鉴定研究 被引量:8

Studies on identification of drought resistance index of winter wheat in southern mountain area of Ningxia
摘要 为了更快速有效地利用现有资源,选育适宜宁南山区旱地种植的冬小麦新品种,本试验通过抗旱系数、主成分分析、相关分析及聚类分析等方法对8个品种12个性状进行研究。结果表明:8个品种根据抗旱系数不同,可分为抗旱性强、中、弱3个等级;12个性状的主要信息主要集中在4个主成分中,累积贡献率达93.40%,这4个主成分因子主要反映产量、抗旱系数、穗长、穗粒数、千粒重、单株粒重、株高、不实小穗数、颖花结实率9个性状。产量、穗下节长和株高与抗旱系数间为显著或极显著正相关。通过聚类分析将8个品种聚为3类,第一类包含3个品种,分别是Z0217-3,Z0231-3和对照中引6号,这三个品种的产量、抗旱系数、穗下节长、千粒重及株高等主要指标在第三类和第二类之间,但穗长、穗粒数及单株粒重在三类中平均值最低。第二类包含2个品种,分别是98-5808-1和Z0228-2-1,这两个品种的穗粒数、单株粒重和不实小穗数三个指标平均值最高,但产量、抗旱系数、穗下节长、千粒重等指标平均值最低。第三类包含3个品种,分别是Z0349-4,08AWS089和晋太0509,这三个品种平均产量高,抗旱系数高,平均穗长最大,平均穗下节长最长,平均结实小穗数最多,千粒重最大、株高最高。 In order to cultivate new wheat varieties using available resourses more rapidly and efficiently in south mountain of Ningxia province,the study was carried out to identify the 12 traits of 8 varieties by the methods of drought resistance coefficient,principal component analysis,correlation analysis and cluster analysis. The results showed that,according to the different drought resistance coefficient,8 varieties can be divided into strong,middle and weak three grades. and the main information of the 12 traits was mainly concentrated in 4 principal components.The cumulative contribution rate was 93. 40%. The main component factors mainly reflected yield, drought resistance coefficient,ear length,number of grains per spike,1000-grain weight,grain weight per plant,plant height,number of panicles untrue,and spikelet seed setting rate. There was significant or very significant positive correlation between yield,panicle length,plant height,and drought resistance coefficient. The eight varieties were clustered into three categories The first category contains three varieties,including Z0217-3,Z0231-3 and CK( Zhongyin 6) the main indicators of yield,drought resistance,panicle length,1000-grain weight and plant height and other major indicators of this category was between the third and second categories,but the spike length,number of grains per panicle,and grain weight per plant were the lowest among the three categories. The second category contains two varieties,in cluding 98-5808-1 and Z0228-2-1,the average values of the number of grains per spike,plant weight per plant,and number of false spikelets were the highest,but the average values of yield,drought resistance coefficient,panicle length,1000-grain weight and other indicators were the lowest. The third category contains three varieties,including Z0349-4,08 AWS089 and Jintai 0509,the average of the three cultivars of yield,drought resistance coefficient,panicle length,the number of spikelet,the largest grain weight,the plant height were the largest,This study will provide a theoretical basis for wheat parental selection and drought resistance breeding.
作者 邵千顺 王斐 王克雄 任小龙 杨琳 SHAO Qian-shun;WANG Fei;WANG Ke-xiong;REN Xiao-long;YANG Lin(Guyuan Institute of Agricultural Science;College of Agronomy of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry Universit)
出处 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期66-71,共6页 Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas
基金 国家科技计划(2015BAD22B00) 宁夏农业育种专项"小麦新品种选育"(2013NYYZO2)
关键词 冬小麦 抗旱系数 农艺性状 抗旱指标 winter wheal drought resislance coeffieienl agronomic trail drought resislance index
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