
基于微博的网络链路预测方法研究 被引量:1

摘要 如今社会是信息化社会,网络是必不可少的,微博已经是生活的一部分了。很多时候我们被推荐,比如一些明星达人、热点新闻等信息。如何确定要推送的群体,我们来研究微博用户之间的关系。如何从已经有的信息比如已有的网络节点结构或者已有的用户属性信息,来预测未知链边呢?我们研究微博的用户关系,能更精确的确定用户关系之间的方向性。 Now the society is the information age . Network has become the necessity of life which affecting people's life. Nowadays, microblog becoming a part of life. Many times we are recommended, such as celebrity blog and hot news. How do you determine the group to push information ? Maybe the study of relationship between microblog users can help me. How can we predict the unknown chain edge from the existing information such as the existing network node structure or the existing user attribute information? Based on the link prediction of the undirected network, determine the direction of the user relationship more accurately.
作者 廉颖 LIAN Ying
机构地区 山西工商学院
出处 《信息技术与信息化》 2018年第6期169-171,共3页 Information Technology and Informatization
关键词 复杂网络 微博 链路预测 complex network microblog link prediction
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