
基于“以广南者为佳”的广西铁皮石斛HPLC特征图谱研究 被引量:2

The HPLC characteristic spectrum of Dendrobium officinale from Guangxi province based on "Shihu from Guangnan is the best"
摘要 目的探讨"以广南者为佳"的广西铁皮石斛种源的主要来源,建立广西铁皮石斛HPLC特征图谱分析方法。方法采用Agilent ZORBAX SB C_(18)色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm);流动相为乙腈-10 mmol/L乙酸铵溶液(梯度洗脱);检测波长为340 nm;柱温为35℃;流速为1.0 mL/min。结果 12批广西铁皮石斛可分为2类,其中第Ⅰ类10批样品(产于广西丹霞地貌),标示出10个共有峰,相似度为0.856~0.970;第Ⅱ类2批(产于石灰岩地貌),共标示出9个共有峰,此2批石斛与第Ⅰ类共有模式的相似度分别为0.422、0.332。在选取的保留时间范围内,对照药材、福建丹霞种、浙江种、云南种与广西种第Ⅰ类铁皮石斛共有模式比较,相似度分别为0.575、0.158、0.397、0.757。结论广西容县、桂平等广西丹霞地貌原生的铁皮兰为"以广南者为佳"之广西铁皮石斛的代表性承载主体,且与云南广南等地的种源相似度较高,但与广东、福建等地丹霞地貌种、浙江本地种存在一定差异。建议《中国药典》采用的铁皮石斛对照药材应充分考虑这种不同道地种源之间的差异。 Objective This paper was to analyze the main sources of Dendrobium officinale called "Shihu" in China from Guangxi which was recorded in the material book in the ancient time stated that "Shihu from Guangnan is the best " and establish HPLC chromatographic analysis for D. officinale from Guangxi.Methods The chromatographic column was ZORBAX SB C18( 250 mm × 4. 6 mm,5 μm). And the elution phase was acetonitrile and 10 mol/L ammonium acetate in a gradient elution manner. Results 12 batches of the D. officinale from Guangxi could be divided into 2 types. In type Ⅰ,10 common peaks were spotted from 10 batches of D. officinale and the similarity was between 0. 856 and 0. 970. 9 common peaks were spotted from the 2 batches samples in type Ⅱ. The similarity of the samples from type Ⅱ which was planted in the limestone landform area was 0.422 and 0.332. In the range of the selected retention time,when we compare D. officinale of control material, Danxia origin, Zhejiang origin, Yunnan origin with the common pattern of D. officinale from Guangxi, the similarities were 0. 575, 0. 158, 0. 397, and 0. 757 respectively.Conclusion D. officinale from Rongxian,Guiping in Guangxi province,which belongs to Danxia landform,was different from the D. officinale from other places of production. Differences exist between samples from Guangxi and samples from Danxia landform area like Guangdong, Fujian and Yunnan province. It is suggested that Ch.P should consider the effects on D. officinale samples from different places in reference materials.
作者 周春花 李运容 胡东南 韦柱杨 杨永军 魏刚 ZHOU Chunhua;LI Yunrong;HU Dongnan;WEI Zhuyang;YANG Yongjun;WEI Gang(School of Pharmaceutical Sciences Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou 510006 China;The International Zhuang Medical Hospital of Guangxi Nanning 530000 China;The GuangxiZhuang Autonomous Region Botanical Garden Nanning 530023 China;Guangxi Yangping HerbaDendrohii Scientific Research Institute Yulin 537000 China;Guiping City Guangxi Xian Bao ParkDendrobium Limited Liability Company Guiping 537200 China)
出处 《广东药科大学学报》 CAS 2018年第3期277-281,共5页 Journal of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University
基金 中央本级重大增减支项目-名贵中药资源可持续利用能力建设项目(2060302)
关键词 广西铁皮石斛 铁皮兰 黄酮类化合物 特征图谱 Dendrobium officinale from Guangxi Tiepilan flavonoid characteristic spectrum.
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