
新时代弘扬愚公移山精神的新思考 被引量:2

New Thinking of Carrying forward the Spirit of “Yu Gong Yi Shan” in the New Era
摘要 中国特色社会主义进入新时代,是党的十九大做出的一个重要政治判断。中国共产党在新时代肩负的新的历史使命对弘扬愚公移山精神提供了新的要求。新时代弘扬愚公移山精神,必须坚定理想信念,补足精神之钙,把牢政治之魂;新时代弘扬愚公移山精神,就要立下愚公移山志、保持"定力",善始善终、善作善成;新时代弘扬愚公移山精神,就要坚定以人民为中心的核心立场,始终将人民放在心中最高位置,真正解决为了谁、依靠谁、我是谁的根本问题;新时代弘扬愚公移山精神,就要发扬创新精神,始终保持与时俱进,奋发有为的精神状态;新时代弘扬愚公移山精神,就要发扬开放精神,以互联互通的博大胸怀吸纳现代文明成果,向着强起来的目标大踏步前进;新时代弘扬愚公移山精神,就要有强烈的历史责任意识,不负人民重托,具有大境界和大担当精神;新时代弘扬愚公移山精神,就要发扬科学精神,尊重规律,求真务实,科学决策,进一步增强创业活动的科学性和自觉性。 When socialism with Chinese characteristics enters the new era,it is an important political judgment made by the 19 th Congress of the communist party of China( CPC). The new historical mission undertaken by the CPC in the new era has provided new requirements for the promotion of the spirit of "Yu Gong Yi Shan"( Yugong moves away Taihang and Wangwu mountains). To carry forward the spirit of Yu Gong Yi Shan in the new era,we must strengthen our ideals and beliefs,make up for the calcium of the spirit,and hold the spirit of politics firmly. To carry forward the spirit of Yu Gong Yi Shan in the new era,we must be determined to have the same aspiration as Yugong,keep the composure,start well,finish well,and accomplish well. To carry forward the spirit of Yu Gong Yi Shan in the new era,we must firmly put the people as the core position,always put the people in the highest position in the heart,and solve the basic issue of whom we do for,whom we rely on,and who I am. To carry forward the spirit of Yu Gong Yi Shan in the new era,we must promote the spirit of innovation,keep pace with the times and make great efforts. To carry forward the spirit of Yu Gong Yi Shan in the new era,we must develop the spirit of openness,absorb the fruits of modern civilization with the broad mind of interconnection and make great strides towards the goal of strengthening ourselves. To carry forward the spirit of Yu Gong Yi Shan in the new era,we must have a strong sense of historical responsibility,live up to the people's trust,and have a great realm and great sense of responsibility. To carry forward the spirit of Yu Gong Yi Shan in the new era,we must carry forward the spirit of science,respect the law,be realistic and pragmatic,make scientific decisions,and further enhance the scientific nature as well as the consciousness of entrepreneurial activities.
作者 辛世俊 XIN Shijun(School of Marxism,Zheagzhou University,Zheagzhou 450001,Henan;Yuyiag Quality Education of Heaaa Province,Zhengzhou 450018,Henan)
出处 《济源职业技术学院学报》 2018年第2期1-7,共7页 Journal of Jiyuan Vocational and Technical College
关键词 新时代 愚公移山精神 理想信念 政治定力 创新 the new era spirit of Yu Gong Yi Shan ideal and belief political determination innovation
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