
基于员工调查的深圳市罗湖医院集团化改革的成效初探 被引量:4

A study on the effect of the Luohu healthcare group reform:An analysis based on the employees' perspective
摘要 目的:研究员工对深圳市罗湖医院集团化改革后的初步评价。方法:采用问卷调查法,对罗湖区医疗集团内的3家区属医院和23家社康管理中心的员工进行调查。结果:共发放问卷480份,回收有效问卷412份,有效回收率为85.83%。37.21%的医生表示下社康管理中心出诊很有动力或非常有动力;75.38%的员工感受到集团化改革近两年来医院发生"较明显"或"非常明显"的变化;员工对于工作本身、人际关系和医院发展的满意度评分均值均在4.20分以上,且一致性较高。结论:被调查员工对改革初期的评价总体较积极。集团建设运营近两年来,附设医疗机构的总体发展呈上行态势,集团内纵向联合局面有所显现,二级及以上医院医生下社区意愿增强,尤其体现在内科、中医科等。集团不断引导各附设医院错位布局,协同发展,带动集团整体提升。各医院员工对集团的未来发展有所期待,希望集团能协调好各方利益,兑现承诺。 Objective: The study aimed to explore the initial effect of the Luohu Healthcare Group Reform in Shenzhen based on the employee's perspective. Methods: The questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the views of employees in 3 hospitals and 23 community health centers in Luohu district. Results: A total of 480 questionnaires were distributed and only 412 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The valid response rate was85. 83%. 37. 21% of doctors responded that they had motive power to work in community health centers; 75. 38 percent of employees stated that their healthcare organization changed a lot; Employees' average work satisfaction scores,interpersonal relationship and healthcare organization development were all above 4. 20,and the consistency of employee evaluation was high. Conclusions: Most of the surveyed employees evaluated the initial stage of the Luohu health reform positively. Since the hospital group started to operate two years ago,the development of the affiliated health facilities has been on an upward trend. The formation of vertical alliance within the hospital group has emerged; and physicians of secondary and higher-grade hospitals have had increasing willingness of working at the community health centers,especially in the departments of internal medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. The hospital group has been guiding all affiliated facilities to develop its unique signature specialty so that facilities can collaborate with each other and evolve as a whole. Group employees have expectations that the hospital group will coordinate and incorporate interests of all stakeholders,fulfill the commitments,and develop a better future for the group.
作者 周萍 梅琳 陈英耀 杨肖光 黄葭燕 ZHOU Ping;MEI Lin;CHEN Ying-yao;YANG Xiao-guang;HUANG Jia-yan(School of Public Health,Fudan University,K)Lab of Health Technology Assessment,National Health and Family Planning Commission,Shanghai 200032,China)
出处 《中国卫生政策研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期29-34,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71303057)
关键词 医疗卫生体制改革 医疗集团 医联体 员工评价 Healthcare system reform Healthcare group Medical association Employee evaluation
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