
Petrogenesis of granite from Xiaofan Mo deposit, Dabie Orogen

Petrogenesis of granite from Xiaofan Mo deposit, Dabie Orogen
摘要 大别造山带中生代花岗岩类岩石不仅能够提供中生代岩石圈演化信息,而且该类岩石往往与斑岩型钼矿床的形成有着密切的联系。本文选择大别钼成矿带上肖畈钼矿床花岗岩,开展岩石地球化学特征研究,岩相学特征表明肖畈花岗岩体属斑岩花岗岩。岩石地球化学结果显示,花岗岩具有高SiO_2含量(74.29 wt%~76.07wt%,平均值75.18 wt%),高Al_2O_3含量(11.66 wt%~12.83 wt%,平均值12.13 wt%)和高K_2O含量(5.37 wt%~7.90 wt%,平均值6.86 wt%),以及低MgO含量(0.06 wt%~0.16 wt%),低TiO_2含量(0.09 wt%~0.10 wt%)和低P_2O_5含量(0.047 wt%~0.103 wt%),岩石富集Rb,U,K和Hf,亏损Ba,Nb,Ta,Sr和Ti。结合岩石产出地质背景和矿物学特征,认为肖畈花岗岩属于源于下地壳的A型花岗岩,形成于后碰撞伸展环境。 The Mesozoic granitoids in the Dabie Orogen are of particular geological interest as indicators for Mesozoic lithospheric evolution because of their close association with porphyry Mo mineralization. Here, we present a study using petrogeochemistry data to constrain the petrogenesis of the Xiaofan granites in the Dabie Mo mineralization belt (DMB), Henan Province, China. Field investigations show that the Xiaofan pluton mainly consists of porphyritic granite. The Xiaofan granites have high SiO2 contents of 74.29 wt%-76.07 wt% (average: 75.18 wt%), A1203 contents of 11.66 wt%-12.83 wt% (average: 12.13 wt%), and K20 contents of 5.37 wt%-7.90 wt% (average: 6.86 wt%) and low MgO (0.06 wt%-0.16 wt%), TiO2 (0.09 wt%-0.10 wt%), and P205 (0.047 wt%-0.103 wt%) contents. They are enriched in Rb, U, K and Hf but depleted in Ba, Nb, Ta, Sr and Ti. By geochemical and mineralogical features, we propose that the Xiaofan granites belong to A-type type granite and dominantly sourced from the crust. The granites from the Xiaofan Mo deposit may have formed in a post-collision extensional setting.
作者 刘清泉 邵拥军 周科平 李永峰 LIU Qing-quan;SHAO Yong-jun;ZHOU Ke-ping;LI Yong-feng(School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China;Key Laboratory of Metallogenic Prediction of Non-ferrous Metals and Geological Environment Monitoring,Ministry of Education(School of Geosciences and Info-Physics,Central South University),Changsha 410083,China;Henan Provincial Non-Ferrous Metals Geological and Mineral Resources Bureau,Zhengzhou 450016,China ~ Central South University Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany,part of Springer Nature 2018)
出处 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期1489-1500,共12页 中南大学学报(英文版)
基金 Project(2017M622596)supported by the Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China Project(2015CX008)supported by the Innovation Driven Project of Central South University,China Project(12120114052201)supported by the Geological Scientific Research Project of Land and Resources of Hunan Province,China
关键词 花岗石 沉积物 瞬间 TiO2 矿化作用 SiO2 P205 中生代 granite petrogenesis Xiaofan Mo deposit Dabie Orogen
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